Re: calling virtual function from within another virtual function
On Feb 6, 12:25 pm, srp113 <> wrote:
Hi Guys,
Is Ok to invoke a virutal function from within virtual function.
Specifically here is the example I tried and it seems to have worked:
(what I am doing is derived class::foo() (foo is virtual)invokes base
case implementation of foo(), which in turn calls bar() thats virutal
too . So I am reusing some part of logic which is common to both base
and derived and overriding other part which is different by using 2
virtual functions like this)
#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
class C {
virtual void foo(int foo) {
bad idea. I do not use same names for functions and variables(I am not
sure if this should compile).In either case this voilates readability
of your program.
cout << "in C::foo() foo=" << foo << endl;
virtual void bar(int bar) {
same as above
cout << "in C::bar() bar=" << bar << endl;
int i;
class A : public C {
virtual void foo(int foo) {
cout << "in A::foo() foo=" << foo << endl;
if(foo > 0)
virtual void bar(int bar) {
and again.
cout << "in A::bar() bar=" << bar << endl;
int main()
C c;
A a;;;
C* tmp;
tmp = &c;
tmp = &a;
in C::foo() foo=10
in C::bar() bar=10
in A::foo() foo
in C::foo() foo
in A::bar() bar
in C::foo() foo=30
in C::bar() bar=30
in A::foo() foo=40
in C::foo() foo=40
in A::bar() bar=40
so is it OK to use polymorphism like this from point of view of C++
standard? I tried this with SUN CC compiler on a solaris box. Are
there any potential downsides to following this paradigm, if so what
would be better way of doing this?
I do not know what you want to do ,but the standard behavoir is just
what you have seen.Virtual functions are called polymorphycally (via
ref/ptr variables) unless prefixed by class name.
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