Re: struct inheritance

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Fri, 13 Feb 2009 23:11:37 -0500
Neill wrote:

Neill wrote:

The output is different than when writing:

NumExp* prog = new NumExp(10);

Uhm, the program that you posted has no output at all. Apparently, now
you are talking about some program that you did not post. Since my
crystal ball
is currently in repair, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Srry, I mean, debugger is giving different results:

with: NumExp* prog = new NumExp(10);

prog --> some address
|_ Exp_ --> {...}
|_ num --> 10

with: Exp prog = new NumExp(10);

prog --> only some address but I would like to get same result as

I think, the debugger might be using the static type information of the prog
variable to decide which output to print. In any case, this output seems to
be more related to the debugger than it is to your program. Rest assured

  Exp prog = new NumExp( 10 );

will cause prog to point to a NumExp object (NumExp inheriting from Exp_ and
Exp being a typedef for Exp_*). It appears that the debugger is just not
showing dynamic type information.

I have no idea whether this would work, but you might add a virtual
destructor to Exp_. This way, you indicate to the debugger that Exp_ is a
polymorphic type. Maybe the debugger picks up on that.


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