Re: Casting to a derived class

Andrew Venikov <>
Fri, 3 Jul 2009 10:08:05 CST
On Jul 1, 9:17 pm, George Neuner <> wrote:

The proper way to do downcasting is to turn on RTTI and use
dynamic_cast<>(). dynamic_cast<>() verifies that the actual runtime
object really is of the specified class. If called with a pointer
specification, it will return a new, class specific, pointer to the
object if successful or NULL if the object is not of the specified

The way you use dynamic_cast<>() for safe pointer downcasting is
something like the following:

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
   base *pb = new der();
   der *pd = dynamic_cast<der*>(pb);

   if ( pd )
      pd->d = 123;
      // pd == null. cast failed - object not a 'der'


One important detail - the dynamic_cast can only work with
polymorphic types, otherwise you'll get a compile-time error.
The OP specified classes without virtual functions, so he
won't be able to use dynamic_cast. Only static_cast.


P.S. BTW, Hi George!

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