Re: Cannot access type in base class

none <""mort\"@(none)">
Thu, 04 Mar 2010 21:22:16 +0100
none wrote:

I have the following base class:

================== Base.h ====================================

#ifndef BASE_H
#define BASE_H

#include <vector>
#include "MyType.h"

class Base {

  // Types
  // We use pointers for polymorphic support.
  typedef std::vector<MyType*> ContainerType;

  // Pure virtual
  virtual ContainerType createJobs() = 0;

  ContainerType jobs;


#endif // BASE_H

================== Sub.h ====================================

#ifndef SUB_H
#define SUB_H

#include "Base.h"

class Sub : public Base {
  // Types
  //typedef typename Base::ContainerType ContainerType;

  // Type from base class
  ContainerType createJobs();


#endif // SUB_H

================== Sub.cpp ====================================
#include "Sub.h"

  ContainerType Sub::createJobs() {
     // Create some jobs and add to parent container
    return this->jobs;


================== End ====================================

The above does not compile:

    Sub.cpp:12: error: ?ContainerType? does not name a type

I have tried to typedef the type in the Sub.h:

  typedef typename Base::ContainerType ContainerType;

but that does not help. Why is it not possible to use a type defined in
the parent class?

A little to trigger happy here. I need to qualify the return type:

    Sub::ContainerType Sub::createJobs() {


But is the above approach a good design or does it have some "smells" ?

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