Re: How to avoid complex switches?

"Leigh Johnston" <>
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 19:03:32 +0100
"none" <""mort\"@(none)"> wrote in message

Leigh Johnston wrote:

"none" <""mort\"@(none)"> wrote in message

I have a class that takes a few template parameters:

template<typename A, typename B, typename C,typename D>
class MyClass {
// ...

The types A,B,C and D are selected from a user specified input file
(properties file):

A = 1
B = 2
C = 1
D = 3

I then parse this file an need to create MyClass with the correct types:

void createMyClass (int a, int b, int c, int d) {

    switch ( a ) {
      case 1 :
        typedef test::Green ColorType;
        switch ( b ) {
          case 1 :
            typedef test::Water MediumType;
            switch ( c ) {
              case 1 :
                typedef test::Linear InterpolationType;
                MyClass<ColorTyper, MediumType, InterpolationType >
              case 2 :
                typedef test::Cubic InterpolationType;
                MyClass<ColorTyper, MediumType, InterpolationType >
              default :
          case 2 :
            // ....

          default :
      case 2 :
        typedef test::Blue ColorType;
        switch ( b ) {
          case 1 :
            typedef test::Water MediumType;
            switch ( c ) {
              case 1 :
                typedef test::Linear InterpolationType;
                MyClass<ColorTyper, MediumType, InterpolationType >
              case 2 :
                typedef test::Cubic InterpolationType;
                MyClass<ColorTyper, MediumType, InterpolationType >
              default :
          case 2 :

          default :

      default :



But this switch grows extremely large when the number of choices for
each type grows and is also very ugly/error prone. It could be nice if
it was possible to do something like this instead:

T getAType(int a) {
  switch ( a ) {
    case 1 :
      typedef test::Green ColorType;
    case 2 :
      typedef test::Blue ColorType;
    default :
  return ColorType;

T getBType(int b) {
  switch ( b ) {
    case 1 :
      typedef test::Water MediumType;
    case 2 :
      typedef test::Rock MediumType;
    default :
  return MediumType;

int main(){

 typedef getAType(1) ColorType;
 typedef getBType(2) MediumType;

 MyClass<ColorType, MediumType, ...>

But this is not supported in C++. Any ideas on how to solve this
combinatorics problem?

I don't think you can really avoid a using switch for this type of thing
but type lists (Modern C++ Design) might make the switch code less ugly.
Personally I would just stick with the switch and perhaps use macros.
You have hit the age old compiler vs runtime problem, perhaps you would
be better off using a language which supports reflection? :)


Arg! Assume I have 4 variables which can have 4 values each then I need to
hardcode 4??? = 256 cases in a monster switch!

This seems as a very basic type of functionality. Many programs gives the
user an option of selecting different values for a set of different

The problem is the variable's value is only known at runtime whilst the
template argument must be known at compile time leading to an intractable
problem. Answer: don't use templates for this; use polymorphism perhaps


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