Re: Polymorphic abstract base class with operator== or equivalen= t functionality; design considerations

"" <>
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 15:52:22 CST
On Sep 14, 12:55 am, BanMido <> wrote:

{ QP encoding detected and decoded. Check your settings. -mod }

Here is the scenario:
I am attempting to design a polymorphic abstract base class (i.e. an
interface), which will be extended, and its pure virtual functions
implemented, by a set of concrete classes.
I want all the concrete classes to support equality testing, so I
thought of adding a pure virtual 'operator==' method to the abstract
base class which will be implemented by any concrete class
implementing the interface. But this approach poses some problems as
the signature of base class's 'operator==' method and derived class's
'operator==' method do not match.

class IString
    virtual ~IString() {}

    virtual unsigned int length() const = 0;
    virtual bool operator==(const IString&) = 0;
    virtual bool operator!=(const IString&) = 0;


class CString : public IString
    CString :
    ~CString() {}

    virtual unsigned int length() const
    { return strLen; }

    virtual bool operator==(const CString&)
    { return true; } // dummy implementation

    virtual bool operator!=(const CString&)
    { return true; } // dummy implementation

    unsigned int strLen;
    char* str;


int main()
    CString S;

    return 0;


On compiling the above code with gcc 4.5.0, I get the following
(expected) error:
error: cannot declare variable =91S' to be of abstract type =91CS=


because the following virtual functions are pure within =91CString'=


virtual bool IString::operator==(const IString&)
virtual bool IString::operator!=(const IString&)

Pardon my na=EFvet=E9, but is what I am try to achieve, sane? Is ther=


another way to achieve what I am attempting?

When reimplementing method from base class you can only change its
return type to subclass of the original return type. When
you change parameter type you declare new method.

In your case if what you want is to be able to compare e.g. CString
with anything that implements IString you should leave IString
as is and in CString you should implement operator== with exactly
the same signature as in IString.


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