Re: Access to virtual functions much slower

Victor Bazarov <v.bazarov@comcast.invalid>
Wed, 17 Nov 2010 08:23:16 -0500
On 11/17/2010 12:41 AM, parag wrote:

For the a given hierarchy

class A{
virtual bool isUselessFunc() = 0;

class B : public A {
bool isUselessFunc() {
return true;

class C : public B
bool OtherFunc() {
return false;

Today if we have a pointer to a Object of Class C , ( in a pointer of
A )
C * c = new C ():
A* a = c;

I need to acces c->isUselessFunc() many times in a code , I see that
in the collect report ,

What's "the collect report"? I am just not familiar with the term, sorry.

 > it is one of the top most used functions.

Is there any way we could reduce this footprint, but having all the
class deriving from Class B have their own non virtual version ???

You see that it's the most used. Do you see that it's the bottleneck,
or are you just guessing? Are you trying to improve the performance of
something that matters or something that doesn't really contribute to
the run time?

First of all, you need to *measure* performance, not guess.

If your model requires polymorphic behavior, you're stuck with virtual
functions, I'm afraid. In all fairness, it's just a couple extra
lookups in a table, and usually it's quite fast (a few CPU instructions
if anything).

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