Re: Polymorphism and "interface_cast"

Thiago Adams <>
Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:55:27 CST

You have presented the wrong approach to the problem. This should never
be done this way.


I believe that this issue should be generalized into
"how to simplify writing delegating functions and classes".

for example:

    class InterfaceAdapter : public Interface {
        using Interface::auto (cat->auto);

        Cat * cat;

Now you could make all variants of interface_cast
in the library... and I would have a way to write
adapters more quickly.

I agree that the InterfaceAdapter created manually was impractical.

Following original motivations:

1) The object doesn?t need to know how others see it
2) The polymorphism and interfaces could be added later

Here is different approach:

Let's say I have a button class:

struct Button {
 void Draw(Args args) {...}
 void KeyDown(int key) {...}
 void MouseDown(int x, int y) {...}

I could use this class directly like:

struct Window
 Button button;
 void OnPaint() { ... button.Draw(args); ... }
Now, let's say I want to see a Button as a polymorphic Control and
have a list of different controls implementing this interface.

I could make Control derived from "KeyEventReceiver",
"MouseEventReceiver" and "IDraw" or just put all functions inside
Control without any extra hierarchy. But I don't want to decide
anything before to see the algorithms and use.

An alternative to the interface_cast could be:

struct NonPolymorphic {};

Template<class TInterface = NonPolymorphic>
struct Button : public TInterface {
 void Draw(Args args) {...}
 void KeyDown(int key) {...}
 void MouseDown(int x, int y) {...}

Now, we have the Button class and some interface.

*The Button doesn't need to know anything about the TInterface. (1)

To use a non-polymorphic Button we could do:
Button<> button;

To see a Button as a polymorphic Control we could do:

* First declare the interface. (How we want to see the Button) (2)

struct Control
 virtual void Draw(Args args) =0;
 virtual void KeyDown(int key) =0;
 virtual void MouseDown(int x, int y) =0;

And pass the interface type to the template argument

vector<Control*> v;
v.push_back( new Button<Control> );

Basically the pattern is to leave the Base class (interface) empty.
The interface is decided according with the use.
If the Button has the same view in the project a typedef is better
than see templates everywhere.


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