Re: Multimethods idioms and library support

Stuart Redmann <>
Wed, 23 Feb 2011 05:36:03 -0800 (PST)
On 22 Feb., itaj sherman wrote:

You replace a dynamic_cast if-else-if list with a virtual function
Prey::dispatchMe. This save the detailing on 1 parameter. I'm not sure
it would be so helpful for 3 or more virtual parameters.
Also the more internal animal_kingdom module contains Prey which has
to know (forward-dec) the name of CarnivourDispatch which in turn has
to know all polymorphic types under Prey. As it is, it breaks the
encapsulation of the module, becuase user must make it somehow aware
of his different derivations.

There is no possible way that Double Dispatch could work without some
entity knowing all sub-classes that are involved in Double Dispatch.
The way I have shown is probably far from perfect, but it shows that
this problem can be solved by C++ without resorting to dynamic_casts.

I think that would be especially more
problematic if there was another user-code adding more derivations,
but that would want to use some of these derivations too.

Well, if two users A and B add different objects, someone has to
figure what should happen if objects from user A meet objects of user

#include <iostream>

// We want to be able to dynamically dispatch three different
// base classes, Prey, Carnivour, and Location, with n
// sub-classes. Since Double Dispatch uses vtables, we have to
// have a class with n^2 entries in its vtable. This class contains
// the actual algorithmic part (in our scenario this class will
// be the Carnivour class).
// To be able to implement Double Dispatch, we have to stuff
// one additional class with a vtable of n entries (Location).


class CarnivourDispatch;
class Location;

class Prey
  virtual void dispatchMe (CarnivourDispatch*,Location&) = 0;


class Location;

class Carnivour
  virtual void hunt (Prey& prey, Location& location) = 0;


// CarnivourDispatch needs to know all derived classes, both
// prey and locations.
class Plains;
class Ocean;
class Gazelle;
class Giraffe;
class Gnu;

class CarnivourDispatch : public Carnivour
  // This starts the double dispatch.
  virtual void hunt (Prey& prey, Location& location)
    prey.dispatchMe (this, location);
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gazelle&, Plains&) = 0;
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Giraffe&, Plains&) = 0;
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gnu&, Plains&) = 0;
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gazelle&, Ocean&) = 0;
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Giraffe&, Ocean&) = 0;
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gnu&, Ocean&) = 0;


template<class t_ImplementationClass>
class PreyDispatchHelper : public Prey
  void dispatchMe (CarnivourDispatch* Hunter, Location& location)
    location.dispatchMe (Hunter, *static_cast<t_ImplementationClass*>

class Giraffe : public PreyDispatchHelper<Giraffe>

class Gazelle : public PreyDispatchHelper<Gazelle>

class Gnu : public PreyDispatchHelper<Gnu>

// We need to know all derived classes of Prey at compile-time.

// Forward declaration of all Prey-derived classes.
class Gazelle;
class Giraffe;
class Gnu;

template<class t_Base1, class t_Base2>
class TMultipleInheritance : public t_Base1, public t_Base2
  typedef t_Base1 TBase1;
  typedef t_Base2 TBase2;

class NullPrey

class PreyEnum : public TMultipleInheritance
                              Gazelle, NullPrey

// LocationHelper2 adds the virtual methods
// virtual void dispatchMe (CarnivourDispatch*, Gazelle&) = 0;
// virtual void dispatchMe (CarnivourDispatch*, Gnu&) = 0;
// and so on to the Location interface.
template<class t_DummyArgument = int, class t_PreyEnum = PreyEnum>
class LocationHelper2 : public LocationHelper2<t_DummyArgument,
typename t_PreyEnum::TBase2>
  typedef LocationHelper2<t_DummyArgument, typename
t_PreyEnum::TBase2> TBaseLocationHelper2;
  using TBaseLocationHelper2::dispatchMe;
  virtual void dispatchMe (CarnivourDispatch* Hunter,typename
t_PreyEnum::TBase1& prey) = 0;

template<class t_DummyArgument>
class LocationHelper2<t_DummyArgument, NullPrey>
  typedef NullPrey TBaseLocationHelper2;

  // We need this as base for the using-declaration in the
  // non-specialized template.
  void dispatchMe (){}

// We could as well drop this class, but it makes forward
// declarations much easier.
class Location : public LocationHelper2<>

// Implementation helper of the virtual methods of Location
template<class t_ImplemenationClass, class t_PreyEnum = PreyEnum>
class LocationDispatchHelper2 : public
LocationDispatchHelper2<t_ImplemenationClass, typename
  typedef LocationDispatchHelper2<t_ImplemenationClass, typename
t_PreyEnum::TBase2> TBaseLocationDispatchHelper2;
  using TBaseLocationDispatchHelper2::dispatchMe;
  virtual void dispatchMe (CarnivourDispatch* Hunter,typename
t_PreyEnum::TBase1& prey)
    Hunter->huntPreyLocation (prey,
*static_cast<t_ImplemenationClass*> (this));

template<class t_ImplemenationClass>
class LocationDispatchHelper2<t_ImplemenationClass, NullPrey> : public
  typedef Location TBaseLocationDispatchHelper2;

// Now we can easily add our locations.
class Plains : public LocationDispatchHelper2<Plains>

class Ocean : public LocationDispatchHelper2<Ocean>

class Lion: public CarnivourDispatch
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gazelle& gazelle, Plains& plains)
    std::cout << "Lion jumps on gazelle and bites its neck in the
plains." << std::endl;

  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Giraffe& giraffe, Plains& plains)
    std::cout << "Lion bites giraffe's ass in the plains" <<

  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gnu& gnu, Plains& plains)
    std::cout << "Lion rides gnu to death in the plains" << std::endl;

  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gazelle&, Ocean&)
    std::cout << "Lion cooks gazelle in Pacific Ocean." << std::endl;
  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Giraffe&, Ocean&)
    std::cout << "Lion runs over giraffe with jet skies." <<

  virtual void huntPreyLocation (Gnu&, Ocean&)
    std::cout << "Lion launches torpedo at gnu." << std::endl;

int main()
  Carnivour* carnivour = new Lion;
  Location* location = new Plains;
  Location* location2 = new Ocean;
  Prey* prey1 = new Gazelle;
  Prey* prey2 = new Giraffe;
  Prey* prey3 = new Gnu;
  carnivour->hunt (*prey1, *location);
  carnivour->hunt (*prey2, *location);
  carnivour->hunt (*prey3, *location);
  carnivour->hunt (*prey1, *location2);
  carnivour->hunt (*prey2, *location2);
  carnivour->hunt (*prey3, *location2);

  return 0;


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