Run-time of tricks to pass local class as template parameter
Hello all,
ISO C++ (and G++) do not allow to pass a local class as a template
parameter. For example, I cannot pass a functor defined locally within
a function to std::for_each.
I list below two tricks to get around this limitation. Trick A uses a
global functor virtual_func which calls the correct
local_add::operator via polymorphism of the virtual func_if::operator
(overridden by local_add::operator to call local_add::body). Trick B
uses a global functor casting_func which calls a static function of
local_add via a function pointer (the static function then uses
static_cast to call the non-static local_add::body). Do you see any
issue with this approaches?
One problem of both approaches is that they run slowly when compared
to calling local_add functions directly (from within a for-loop). For
(1) Call local_add::operator from for-loop: 16s :)
(2) Call local_add::call via local function pointer in for-loop:
16s :)
(3) Use "casting functor" (trick B) in for-loop: 40s
(4) Use "virtual functor" (trick A) in for-loop: 47s
(5) Use "casting functor" (trick B) with for_each: 40s
(6) Use "virtual functor" (trick A) with for_each: 47s
Why is Trick A and B performance bad? Is it because using the functors
casting_func and/or virtual_func prevents compiler optimizations in
this case? Can I improve the performance?
(I think you can ignore the __attribute__((always_inline)) -- I was
trying to force G++ to inline but it didn't help... I didn't check the
generated assembly yet.)
Thanks a lot.
// Tricks to "pass" a local class as a template parameter.
// compile-time: $ time g++ -O3 -Wall <THIS_FILE>
// run-time: $ time ./a
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#define N 1e4
#define S N * 1e2
// Trick A: Virtual Base
struct func_if {
inline virtual void __attribute__((always_inline)) operator()(
const double&) {} // virtual call cannot be inlined
struct virtual_func {
explicit virtual_func(func_if& ref): ptr_(&ref) {}
inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) operator()(const
double& num)
{ (*ptr_)(num); }
func_if* ptr_;
// Trick B: Casting Function Pointer
struct casting_func {
explicit casting_func(void* obj, void (*call)(void*, const
obj_(obj), call_(call) {}
inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) operator()(const
double& num)
{ call_(obj_, num); } // function pointer call cannot be
void* obj_;
void (*call_)(void*, const double&);
int main() {
double sum = 0.0;
int factor = 10;
struct local_add
: func_if
explicit local_add(double& _sum, const int& _factor):
sum_(_sum), factor_(_factor) {}
inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) operator()(
const double& num) { body(sum_, factor_, num); }
inline static void __attribute__((always_inline)) call(
void* obj, const double& num) {
local_add* self = static_cast<local_add*>(obj);
self->body(self->sum_, self->factor_, num);
double& sum_;
const int& factor_;
inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) body(
double& sum, const int& factor, const double& num) {
sum += factor * num;
local_add add_local(sum, factor);
void* obj = &add_local;
void (*call)(void*, const double&) = &local_add::call;
casting_func add_casting(&add_local, &local_add::call);
virtual_func add_virtual(add_local);
std::vector<double> v(S);
std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 10);
for (size_t n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
// for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
// local_add::call(&add_local, v[i]); // (1) runs in 16s
// call(obj, v[i]); // (2) runs in 16s
// add_casting(v[i]); // (3) runs in 40s
// add_virtual(v[i]); // (4) runs in 47s
// }
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), add_casting); // (5) runs in
// std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), add_virtual); // (6) runs
in 46s
std::cout << sum << std::endl;
return 0;
[ See for info about ]
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]