Re: Question regarding cast

Ike Naar <>
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 05:53:07 +0000 (UTC)
On 2013-06-19, somenath <> wrote:

I have come to know from C++ book that "a single object (e.g an
object of type derived) might have some more than one address (e.g its
address when pointed to by Base * pointer and its address when pointed
to by a Derived* pointer). That cannot happen in C"
So to understand this concept I wrote the following program

using namespace std;

class Base { };
class Derived:public Base
int main (void) {
 Derived d;
 Derived *d1;

 Base *bp = &d;
 d1= &d;
 cout<<"bp = "<<bp<<endl;
 cout<<"&d = "<<&d<<endl;
 cout<<"d1 = "<<d1<<endl;
 return 0;
bp = 0x28ac57
&d = 0x28ac57
d1 = 0x28ac57

Try this:

/* begin code */
#include <iostream>
class Base1 { char i; };
class Base2 { char j; };
class Derived : public Base1, public Base2 {};
int main()
  Derived d;
  Base1 *b1 = &d;
  Base2 *b2 = &d;
  std::cout << "&d=" << &d << " b1=" << b1 << " b2=" << b2 << "\n";
  return 0;
/* end code */

/* begin output /*
&d=0x7f7fffffdb40 b1=0x7f7fffffdb40 b2=0x7f7fffffdb41
/* end output */

Along with this I am interested to know how the C++ compiler restrict
the access of function defined only in derived class from a base class
For example in the following code

class Base { };
class Derived:public Base
    void print()
        cout<<"Inside derived "<<endl;
int main (void) {
 Derived d;
 Base *bp = &d;
 return 0;

how the compiler makes sure that "bp" can not access "print" ?

bp has type "pointer to Base" and Base has no member called "print",
so bp->print() makes no sense.
You could add such a member to the definition of Base:

  class Base
    virtual void print()
      std::cout << "Inside base\n";

Now class Base has a "print" member function; this function is
overridden in class Derived, so when you call


while bp points to a Derived object, it will print "Inside derived".

Could you please provide me some resources which explain this topics?

Any good book on C++.
For online material, see e.g., in particular

or search for Bruce Eckel's (free) online book "Thinking in C++".

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