Re: Question regarding cast

somenath <>
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 02:49:15 -0700 (PDT)
On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 2:44:57 PM UTC+5:30, SG wrote:

Am 19.06.2013 10:58, schrieb somenath:

On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:23:07 AM UTC+5:30, Ike Naar wrote:



/* begin code */


#include <iostream>


class Base1 { char i; };


class Base2 { char j; };


class Derived : public Base1, public Base2 {};


int main()




  Derived d;


  Base1 *b1 = &d;


  Base2 *b2 = &d;


  std::cout << "&d=" << &d << " b1=" << b1 << " b2=" << b2 << "\=



  return 0;




/* end code */



/* begin output /*


&d=0x7f7fffffdb40 b1=0x7f7fffffdb40 b2=0x7f7fffffdb41


/* end output */



But I am not getting why it needs to be different?

Think about the memory layout. In this case, we obviously have
something like this:
              Derived object
                   ,-- --.
  0x7f7fffffdb40 | i | <-- Base1 object
                   | --=B4
                   | --.
  0x7f7fffffdb41 | j | <-- Base2 object
                   `-- --'
where the address you see is the object's starting address.
What you should keep in mind is the following: If you have a Base1 or
Base2 pointer and you know already that it points to a subobject of a
Derived object, you need a static_cast to get to a Derived pointer
because a static cast will include a pointer adjustment if necessary:
   Derived d;
   Base1* p = &d;
   Base2* q = &d;
   Derived* x = static_cast<Derived*>(p);
   Derived* y = static_cast<Derived*>(q);
   assert(&d == x);
   assert(&d == y);
(A reinterpret_cast would not work here)
Of course, if your classes are polymorphic, then you could also use a
dynamic_cast for this.

I got it. Is there any book available that explains how these kinds of thin=
gs are implemented in details?
Is there any literature which talks about the memory model of C++ in detai=

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