Re: std::thread...too little, too late?

Mr Flibble <>
Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:42:16 +0000
On 19/12/2014 22:14, Chris Vine wrote:

On Fri, 19 Dec 2014 13:53:26 +0000
Mr Flibble <> wrote:

I think it makes perfect sense to derive from std::thread so there is
nothing intrinsically wrong with having a virtual "thread started"

So, what polymorphic behaviour do you think this "run" method described
by the OP might exhibit? A run method should just start the thread.
It is horrible 1990's over-OO design to use polymorphism just to
represent the function to be executed. All you need do is apply the
thread function/lambda/callable object passed to the thread object to
its arguments (if any), which is what std::thread does.

That is like saying "It is horrible 1990's over-OO design to use virtual
functions." which is of course nonsense.

You seem to be ignoring my other reply: my virtual "task()" function is
actually in my thread class which *contains* a boost::thread object.

My start() method:

    void thread::start()
        if (started())
            throw thread_already_started();
            iState = Starting;
            if (!iUsingExistingThread)
                thread_object_pointer newThread(new
boost::thread(boost::bind(&thread::entry_point, this)));
                iThreadObject = newThread;
        catch(const std::exception& aException)
            iState = Error;
            std::cerr << std::string("Error starting thread due to exception
being thrown (") + aException.what() + ")." << std::endl;
            iState = Error;
            std::cerr << std::string("Error starting thread due to exception of
unknown type being thrown.") << std::endl;

My entry_point() method which calls the pure virtual task() function:

    void thread::entry_point()
        iState = Started;
        iId = boost::this_thread::get_id();
            task(); /* This is the pure virtual that requires overriding */
            if (!iUsingExistingThread)
                if (iState == Started)
                    iState = Finished;
        catch(const std::exception& aException)
            std::cerr << std::string("Thread terminating due to an uncaught
exception was being thrown (") + aException.what() + ")." << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "Thread terminating due to an uncaught exception of
unknown type being thrown." << std::endl;

What we are basically talking about here is the /template method
pattern/ and there is nothing wrong with it; it certainly is *not*
"horrible 1990's over-OO design"


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