Re: Is UniversalPointer a good idea?

DeMarcus <demarcus_at_hotmail_com@tellus.orb>
Thu, 29 Jan 2015 08:02:23 CST

I want to be able to receive a polymorphic object to a class. However, I
want this class to be able to receive all kinds of pointers there are in
C++. Since this class is going to be an interface, I don't really want
to have one method for each pointer type since that would be too tedious
for the users of the interface.

I came up with the following idea of a UniversalPointer to take care of
all kinds of circumstances.


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

template<class T>
class UniversalPointer
     UniversalPointer( T* pointer )
        : universalPointer_( pointer ) {}
     UniversalPointer( T& reference )
        : universalPointer_( &reference ) {}
     UniversalPointer( T&& reference )
        : universalPointer_( &reference ) {}
     UniversalPointer( const std::unique_ptr<T>& uPointer )
        : universalPointer_( uPointer.get() ) {}
     UniversalPointer( const std::shared_ptr<T>& sPointer )
        : universalPointer_( sPointer.get() ) {}


     T* universalPointer_;

I can't imagine a situation in which I would use something like this.


int fnc( UniversalPointer<Number> upn )
     return upn->getNumber();

int main()
     Number number( 0 );
     std::unique_ptr<Number> uptrNumber( new Number( 42 ) );

     std::cout << fnc( &number ) << std::endl;
     std::cout << fnc( number ) << std::endl;
     std::cout << fnc( std::move( number ) ) << std::endl;
     std::cout << fnc( Number( 4710 ) ) << std::endl;
     std::cout << fnc( uptrNumber ) << std::endl;
     std::cout <<
        fnc( std::shared_ptr<Number>( std::move( uptrNumber ) ) )
           << std::endl;

Wny not simply write this?

   int fnc( Number & u )
       return n.getNumber();

Surely you can dereference a pointer at the call site manually to
invoke it.

I agree, that's much more clean.

And what is the purpose of doing the following?

   std::cout << fnc( std::move( number ) ) << std::endl;
   std::cout << fnc( Number( 4710 ) ) << std::endl;

Do you really want `fnc` to take and mutate *both* lvalues as well as
rvalues? Usually, you want just one kind of non-const reference where
allowing the other kind would actually be an error (in most cases).

You're completely right. Thanks for the insight!

My case was this. Instead of a Number, I wanted to provide a Visitor.
This visitor could be an object that was first created and then
initialized before provided to the function in question. I also wanted
to provide the same visitor to other objects so it couldn't be destroyed
in a near future. That visitor would then be an lvalue that could be
modified, i.e. someFnc( IVisitor& n );

Now, I also wanted to provide a visitor that didn't need any
initialization and that I only wanted to provide one time. A typical
such visitor could be a PrintVisitor or EmptyVisitor, i.e. we may want
to write someFnc( PrintVisitor() ); since it just felt awkward to first
declare it like the following.
PrintVisitor pv;
someFnc( pv );

I couldn't use function parameter const IVisitor& since then I would be
forced to create the Visitor interface with both const and non-const
methods, e.g.

class IVisitor
    virtual ~IVisitor() {}
    virtual int doSomething() const = 0;
    virtual int doSomething() = 0;

And the above wasn't an option.

Even though rvalues like in someFnc( PrintVisitor() ); aren't really
const, they should probably as you say, be seen as such since altering
an object that nobody will use is very awkward.

I think I got stuck in this design smell during too much focus on
creating a simple interface.


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