Re: Garbage Collection - The Trash Begins To Pile Up

"Nevin :-] Liber" <>
29 Dec 2006 19:31:00 -0500
In article <>,
 "Le Chaud Lapin" <> wrote:

See again the problems:

Let's compare them with the problems of using a regular malloc/free heap:

    * An OutOfMemoryException is thrown.

A std::bad_alloc exception is thrown.

    * The process is using too much memory for no obvious reason that
you can determine.

The process is using too much memory for no obvious reason that you can

    * It appears that garbage collection is not cleaning up objects
fast enough.

Nothing can clean up the objects.

    * The managed heap is overly fragmented.

The malloc/free heap is overly fragmented.

    * The application is excessively using the CPU.

The application is excessively using the CPU.

Any engineer who designs a program that contains these problems in such
significant quantities as to warrant an article being written about it
should be ashamed of him/herself.

So you are basically arguing that we shouldn't be using a heap *at all*;
no polymorphism, all lifetimes have to be LIFO, etc.

-Le Chaud Lapin-


 Nevin ":-)" Liber <> 773 961-1620

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