Re: A Change In Terminology: Monomorphic Objects. Polymorphic Objects (Le Chaud Lapin) wrote (abridged):
Most of my own work uses dynamic polymorphism only where the
implementation can vary at run-time, or at least at load-time, and
that is fairly rare. (However, my classes do tend to be
heap-allocated and forward-declared, for dependency management.)
Do you have an example of code where you have done this?
In headers, instead of code like:
#include "MySpecialControl.h"
struct MyDialog : Dialog {
MySpecialControl m_control;
// ...
I am likely to have:
struct MySpecialControl;
struct MyDialog : Dialog {
MySpecialControl *m_pControl;
// ...
So that client code can #include "MyDialog.h" without getting a dependency
on MySpecialControl.h. This kind of dependency management is important for
large projects.
-- Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK.
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