Re: A Change In Terminology: Monomorphic Objects. Polymorphic Objects

From: (Dave Harris)
5 Jan 2007 15:00:34 -0500
<> (Le Chaud Lapin) wrote (abridged):

Yes, the PIMP idiom.

It's not the pImpl or "cheshire cat" idiom. In pImpl we have a wrapper
class that stores a pointer to the implementation class. That's not what's
happening in my example. MyDialog is not a wrapper; it's a client of
MySpecialControl. And MySpecialControl isn't a wrapper either. It is
merely forward-declared.

I say, if you have a class such that, perturbing it causes the
compilation of 1000's of files, then there are one of two

1. The included class is fundamental, and therefore the compilations
are warranted.
2. The organization of the code is poor, and should be restructured to
remove superfluous dependencies.

Indeed. And forward-declaring classes in headers is one way to remove a
superfluous dependency.

You seem to be claiming that if A depends on B and B depends on C, then A
should depend on C. This is simply not the case. In my view, OO is largely
about minimising dependencies. Clients of a class should not depend on the
class's implementation without good reason.

In fact, I seek every opportunity to create precisely that dependency
that you want to avoid.

You make your approach sound very alien to mine.

-- Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK.

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