Re: How to pass a binary_function functor as an argument?
In article <>,
<> wrote:
I want to pass a binary_function<double, double, double> functor
object as an argument into another function. So, I tried the
following which does not work with std::accumulate():
std::binary_function<...> does not make a class polymorphic in the
sense that it knows what the derived class is. std::binary_function<...>
is a convience struct containing three typedefs nothing else.
The simplest solution is to make the functor a template parameter
and pass it by value or const reference.
template <class Functor>
double foo(std:::vector<double> &v,double init,Functor f)
return std::accumulate(v.begin(),v.end(),init,f):
if you don't want a template use boost::function<...> or
tr1::function<...> to hold the functor, then foo is not a template
double foo(std::vector<double>const &v,double init,
boost::function<double(double,double)> f);
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