Re: Some thoughts on polymorphism

"Jim Langston" <>
Tue, 1 May 2007 21:26:51 -0700
<> wrote in message

I've been programming in C++ for a little over 2 years, and I still
find myself wondering when I should use polymorphism.

Some people claim that polymorphism is such an integral part of C++,
that anybody who doesn't use it might as well just program in plain
C. I totally disagree with this, because I think C++ has a lot of
great features apart from polymorphism, such as the ability to
organize code into classes, code reuse through inheritance, templates,
template specialization, etc.

Still, most people promote C++ and OO in general because of
polymorphism. But for some reason, I find the idea of defining lots
of little classes that inherit from a base class to be a bit
overreaching just to do something that essentially boils down to a
function pointer.

Take the following example:

Recently I was working on a project where a server would interpret
various commands issued by a client. There were about 25 different
possible commands. Each command the client issues should cause the
server to respond in a different way.

So what's the best way to implement this in C++?

The first thing that came to mind was a typical C approach: make a
hash table of key words (commands), and associate each key with a
function pointer. This is simple and extremely efficient. But since
I'm programming in C++ I feel compelled to explore more OOish
alternatives. Also, the server program itself was a class, so I'd
need to have the hash table store pointers to functions which are not
part of the class, which kind of breaks the whole design. (Unless I
use dreaded member function pointers - which __nobody__ ever uses, and
which entail considerable overhead to dereference.)

So, I thought: how about polymorphism? I could create an abstract
base class "command", with a single virtual function, and then make 25
little classes which inherit from it. Then I could just have a
generic execute() function, like:

void execute_command(Command* c)

This seems like it would be the standard C++ way of doing this.
Still, there's something about it that just seems ridiculous. I
define 25 classes, just so I can pick between functions dynamically.
On top of that, doing this the old fashioned way (a table of plain
function pointers) is more efficient, since it doesn't involve the

For some reason, I don't feel like C++ offers an elegant solution to
this problem. Am I just being too picky? Or does anyone agree?
Comments, thoughts, suggestions, would be appreciated.

What you describe doesn't sound like a good use for polymorphism
necessarily. There are a lot of places to use polymorphism, and a lot of
places not to use it.

Take, for instance, a game I'm writing. The clients sent commands to the
server. I interpret the commands in pretty much a C way. However, these
commands work on objects using OOPs, as a character is an object which can
be either a player or an NPC (non player character). Which is where the
polymorphism comes in.

The time I usually find I want to use polymorphism is when I want a
container of objects that can be of different types, players or NPCs.

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