Re: Basic design question

"Jim Langston" <>
Mon, 9 Jul 2007 05:43:34 -0700
<> wrote in message


Can't see this addressed specifically in the FAQ-Lite, so... If a
class needs an internal data structure, which method is commonly held
to be preferable; to embed the structure in the class, or to embed a
pointer in the class, and dynamically allocate the structure in the
ctor (and delete in the dtor)? Or for this straightforward case, does
it not really matter?

Only do dynamic memory allocation when you have to. It increases overhead
for both the program and the programmer. When possible embed the instance
in the class.

Some reasons you may have to:
1. You don't know the size of the array (but then it's generally better to
use std::vector anyway
2. The object is huge so you need to use the free store
3. The object uses polymorphism

There are other times I would use the freestore rather than the stack but
usually not associated with embeding in a class. Specfically, when I only
want one instance of a specific object and so the copy constructor and
assignment operators are declared private. To get this object into a vector
or map, I need to use pointers.

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