Re: composite

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 21 Aug 2007 07:39:26 -0400
<faeitd$kae$> wrote:

we are using the composite pattern which simply has a common abstract
base class. Deriving from this class there is a Comp class, and a
CompItem class, say. i.e.



v \
Comp CompItem

We have also the CompItemSubClass.

Now we can either have pointers to CompItems or CompItemSubClasses. I
want to be able to call the correct function (without dynamic casting
if possible).


virtual void toto (CompItem* compItem);
virtual void toto (CompItemSubClass* compItemSubClass);

we have something like this;

CompItem* tmp=someFunc(); // creates either a CompItems

then I do;


which always invokes;

virtual void toto (CompItem* compItem);

Is there any nifty way to have

virtual void toto (CompItemSubClass* compItemSubClass);

called without casting (assuming the tmp contains a pointer to a
CompItemSubClass) ?

Thanks much. Hope that makes sense. I'm rushing here :)

There is no direct way. If you know that the object a pointer to
which you obtained from 'someFunc' is one of the two (and you are
sure of it), using a static cast would be OK. 'dynamic_cast' is
only needed if you're not sure and it also requires for the class
to be polymorphic (I don't think you mentioned whether it was).

A bit better way is to give the choice to the object itself. That
should essentially be an exercise in double dispatch:

    class CompItem : public abstractBase {
        virtual void callTotoFor(someOtherClass* ptr) {

    class CompItemSubClass : public CompItem {
        virtual void callTotoFor(someOtherClass* ptr) {

    ... // inside 'someOtherClass's member function or elsewhere
        CompItem *pItem = someFunc();
        // blah->toto(pItem); -- this doesn't work well, do:

HTH. Ask more questions as you get them.

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