Re: C++ class confusion

James Kanze <>
Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:00:19 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 21, 10:57 am, Juha Nieminen <nos...@thanks.invalid> wrote:

Bart C wrote:

Animal X
X=new Cat

I would have thought X was an Animal and not a Cat.

  But a Cat *is* an Animal, and thus can be used anywhere an Animal is
expected. That's basic OOP.

Yes and no. In his example, X is an object of Animal type. A
given object can never, ever change its (most-derived) type.

Of course, the next line, with new, suggests that what he really
wanted was a pointer. A pointer to an Animal can in fact point
to a Cat, and (providing that the functions are virtual) will
act like a cat.

For the rest, there's a lot, lot more to it than that, and I
fear that Bart will have to get some books, because it's really
a lot more than one can explain in an answer here. The
important C++ relevant parts are, however, that in C++,
polymorphism (using something that is really a Cat where the
original program only knows about Animal) only works through
pointers and references, that C++ (like the other OO languages I
know) doesn't allow an actual object to ever change its type,
once it has been constructed, and the C++, unlike most "pure" OO
languages, supports and uses value semantics by default; if you
don't say otherwise, a declaration declares an actual object,
not a reference to an object.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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