Re: Misuses of RTTI

Carl Barron <>
Thu, 15 May 2008 00:04:04 CST
In article
galathaea <> wrote:

  the things being serialised are not always pure data objects
  so boost's tuples are not a replacement for this generic need

    pure data what else is there? If you mean POD then boost::fusion can
extend this, not sure about details of handling class that inherit
classes with private data and polymorphism but if I recall template
type deduction does not convert to base class or backward then it
seems do able. I shall assume that all classes in the hierarchy are
modifiable in at least providing friendship to a struct with a single
static function.

template <class T>
struct actual_write
    static void exec(std::ostream &os, const T &x)

specialize for types that do not have a void save(std::ostream &);
method, such as built in types, std classes etc. Only problem remains
if we have
class cast_in_stone
    int x;
    int y;
    // member functions

we have a problem. If cast_in_stone can provide friendship to
actual_write<cast_in_stone> then it is possible I think. since
we can use create a specialization that accesses the private data
of its argument.

At least its food for thought and can traverse data. plain or not.

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