Re: Reinterpret cast and CRTP

Ulrich Eckhardt <>
Wed, 13 Jan 2010 07:35:00 CST
peter koch larsen wrote:

On 12 Jan., 05:33, pfultz2 <> wrote:

When i use the curiously recurring template pattern, do i need to use
the reinterpret_cast to get the derived class or do i use the


Im under the assumption that a static cast wouldnt work since the
derived class is not known at compile time. And if it werent then
would a reinterpret_cast be safe, if it were always used this way??

The best would be to use a dynamic_cast. If this is not available to
you, you should use a static_cast.

In the given example it is not available because MyClass is not polymorphic,
it doesn't have any virtual functions, hence no RTTI and no dynamic cast.
That said, I would actually accept dynamic_cast for checking in diagnostic
mode, but that's all.


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