Re: c++ polymorphism and function overloading

James Kanze <>
Mon, 23 Aug 2010 08:26:00 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 23, 8:21 am, jungleman <> wrote:

I have some problems in the following examples:

// where code begins

class base
        virtual bool operator == (const base& b) const = 0;

class inheritanceA
        virtual bool operator == (const inheritanceA& b) const
        {cout << "operator == in inheritanceA"}

class inheritanceB
         virtual bool operator == (const inheritanceB& b) const
         {cout << "operator == in inheritanceB"}

int main()
    base* a = new inheritanceA;
    base* b = new inheritanceB;
    cout << (*a)==(*b) << endl;
    return 0;

problems coming:

but the codes above is wrong while compiling, if I change the method
function in class inheritanceA, virtual bool operator==(const base&
b), It will be Ok.

however, when I add a data base* c = new inheritanceB, and invokes
operator == like this: (*a)==(*c), It will invokes method operator ==
in class inheritanceA,
but what I want is the compiler says it to be wrong .

In addition to Christian Hackl's comments: (*a) == (*c) cannot
be a compile-time error, since the compiler has no way of
knowing the dynamic types (which may vary dynamically---that's
the whole point of polymorphism, after all).

What you're really trying to do requires double dispatch; i.e.
for operator== to be polymorphic on both it's arguments.
Depending on the situation, there are three possible solutions
(that I know, at least):

The first is limited to the case where you always return false
if the two dynamic types are distinct:

    class Base
        virtual bool isEqual( Base const& other ) const = 0;
        bool operator==( Base const& other ) const // NOT virtual
            return typeid( *this ) == typeid( other )
                && isEqual( other );

    class Derived : public Base
        virtual bool isEqual( Base const& other ) const
            Derived const* pOther = dynamic_cast<Derived const*>( &other );
            assert( pOther != NULL );
            // compare data in *pOther and *this...

The second is the "classical" solution:

    class Base
        virtual bool isEqual( Derived1 const& other ) const
            return false;
        virtual bool isEqual( Derived2 const& other ) const
            return false;
        // etc., one for each possible derived class.

        virtual bool isEqual( Base const& other ) const = 0;

        bool operator==( Base const& other ) const
            return isEqual( other );

    class Derived1 : public Base
        virtual bool isEqual( Derived1 const& other ) const
            // comparison for two Derived...

        virtual bool isEqual( Derived2 const& other ) const
            // if this makes sense, and can ever return true...

        virtual bool isEqual( Base const& other ) const
            return isEqual( *this );

This handles double dispatch very effectively, but it requires
that the base class know all of the derived classes. Which is
fine for closed hierarchies (where I've actually used it
effectively), but not generally. It does avoid any dynamic_cast
or other use of RTTI (other than resolving the virtual

The third requires some additional work, but is the most

    class Base
        struct TypePair
            std::type_index lhs;
            std::type_index rhs;

            TypePair( std::type_info const& lhs, std::type_info const& rhs )
                : lhs( lhs )
                , rhs( rhs )

            TypePair( Base const& lhs, Base const& rhs )
                : lhs( typeid( lhs ) )
                , rhs( typeid( rhs ) )

            bool operator<( TypePair const& other ) const
                return lhs != other.lhs
                    ? lsh < other.lsh
                    : rhs < other.rhs;
        typedef std::map<TypePair, bool (*)(Base const&, Base const&)>
        static EqMap eqMap;

        bool operator==( Base const& other ) const
            EqMap::const_iterator cmp = eqMap.find( TypePair( *this, other ) );
            return cmp != eqMap.end() && (**cmp)( *this, other );

With this, you also need some means of registering all of the
comparison functions. (Remember that for n derived classes,
there are potentially 2^n comparison functions.)

James Kanze

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