Re: Looking for archived conversations re: removal of std::optional from C++14

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Fri, 28 Feb 2014 16:41:17 -0800 (PST)
Am 21.02.2014 04:10, schrieb

I am looking for archived conversations, notes, and/or rationale for the
reasons that std::optional was put on hold as of N3797, for personal
curiosity. From my understanding, it was voted out due to the desire to
avoid rushing enhancement requests and issues. I am searching for
comments that outline those issues, and any other related information.

IMO there does not exist a single "reference" response that could be referred to for this decision. It was a result of some unresolved issues that also lead to several National Body comments, see

and search for optional. During the Chicago meeting September 2013 there was found consensus that some significant wording changes would be necessary quite late during that meeting, so targeting a TS (Technical Specification) instead of the current draft helped a lot to get further progress.

In general the reason for being a bit more defensive now is that the committee has accelerated the periods of standardization and that means that it is safer to put all larger contributions first into a TS with the intention to put it into the standard later to allow for getting some more experience with it in the wild.

The intermediate step of an TS is actually quite helpful for those intending to make contributions to the standard, because a TS is much easier accepted than a contribution directly addressing the current draft. This means that overlooked problems can be solved (hopefully), because finally entering into the official Standard.

Let me close with the additional information that optional is not standing out with being transformed into a TS. After the most recent Issaquah meeting the following proposals will be part of a TS:

file system
Polymorphic Memory Resources
Faster string searching
"A sample proposal"
Variable Templates For Type Traits
"make apply normative"
A SFINAE-Friendly std::iterator_traits
A SFINAE-Friendly std::common_type
Extending shared_ptr to Support Arrays
Network Byte Order Conversion
Invocation type traits
Transactional Memory

This gives a bit evidence for my opinion expressed above that most contributions (especially library-related ones) will from now on typically start as TS.

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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