Re: Macro question
In article <>,
Peithon <> wrote:
I'm initialising unit test structures using a macro as follows:
#define UTMACRO(x) UT##x
typedef struct
char * key;
char * arr[5];
unit_test UT1 = { "three", { "five", "four", "one", "three",
"two" } };
unit_test UT2 = { "two", { "five", "four", "one", "three",
"two" } };
int main()
int i;
unit_test unitTest[2];
for(i = 0; i < TEST_NUM; i++)
unitTest[i] = UTMACRO(i + 1);
but the compiler is resolving UTMACRO(i + 1) as UT rather than UT1 and
then UT2.
Why? Can this be fixed or does anyone have a better way of performing
this task.
it appears that you want main to contain an array of N unit_tests
initialized as {UT1,UT2,...UTN} where N is know at preprocessor time.
If so boost's preprocessor library is probably should be a friend of
yours, as it contains a macro BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS , that will do
just that. Namely
int main()
unit_test unitTest[]= {BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(UT,TEST_NUM)};
// ...
Why it fails is + means litte to the preprocesor and i's value is not
know until runtime. The expansion of UTMACRO(i+1) btw is UTi+1
not UT. Direct text substition.
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