Re: Can straight line est fit with error measure be made in single
On 10/18/2013 9:57 PM, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
It would be nice if one could make do with a non-copyable forward
iterator for the (x,y) data points, without storing the points.
Looking at the code below, I cannot really answer this question without
knowing what 'Statistics' is. Presuming that it does iterate over the
given range to collect the "sum of" and "mean" and the other values,
your other choice is to fix the 'Statistics' class to either calculate
your 'ssr' to boot, or to make it store the x and y values so you can
extract them later at your leisure.
However, my current code requires the ability to iterate a second time,
from a copy of the start iterator.
Any suggestions for how to avoid the second iteration, or should I
perhaps just forget it (I only need this to check algorithm complexity
in unit test, so it's not a current problem, just "not ideal" code...)?
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2013 Alf P. Steinbach
// <url:>
// n = number of x,y data points
// sumx = ??x
// sumy = ??y
// sumxy = ??x*y
// sumx2 = ??x*x
// meanx = sumx / n
// meany = sumy / n
// slope = (n*sumxy - sumx*sumy) / (n*sumx2 - sumx*sumx)
// intercept = meany-(slope*meanx)
// ssy = ??(y-meany)^2
// ssr = ??(y-intercept-slope*x)^2
// R2 = 1-(ssr/ssy)
// Standard deviation of the slope = SQRT(ssr/(n-2))*SQRT(n/(n*sumx2 -
// Standard deviation of the intercept =
SQRT(ssr/(n-2))*SQRT(sumx2/(n*sumx2 - sumx*sumx))
// Also, <url:>
#include <rfc/cppx/calc/Statistics.h> // cppx::calc::Statistics
namespace cppx{ namespace calc{
class Best_line_fit
: private Statistics
double intercept_;
double slope_;
double ssy_; // Sum of squares of y-expressions
double ssr_; // Sum of squares of residue expressions
auto stats() const -> Statistics const& { return *this; }
auto slope() const -> double { return slope_; }
auto intercept() const -> double { return intercept_; }
auto ssy() const -> double { return ssy_; }
auto ssr() const -> double { return ssr_; }
auto r_squared() const -> double { return (ssr_ == 0 || ssy_
== 0? 1.0 : 1.0 - ssr_/ssy_); }
auto r() const -> double { return sqrt( r_squared()
); }
template< class It >
Best_line_fit( It const first, It const end )
: Statistics( first, end )
, ssy_( 0.0 )
, ssr_( 0.0 )
slope_ = (n()*sum_xy() - sum_x()*sum_y()) / (n()*sum_xx() -
square( sum_x() ));
intercept_ = mean_y() - slope_*mean_x();
for( It it = first; it != end; ++it )
double const x = x_of( *it );
double const y = y_of( *it );
//ssy_ += square( y - mean_y() );
ssr_ += square( y - (slope_*x + intercept_) );
ssy_ = sum_yy() - 2*sum_y()*mean_y() + n()*square( mean_y() );
} } // namespace cppx::calc
Disclaimer 1: I do not KNOW that the code is correct, in particular the
r_squared() implementation.
Disclaimer 2: In the mathworld reference I do not understand eq. 17.
It's the simplification of eq 16. X' (x with line over it) is the mean
x value, isn't it?
SUMi(Xi - X')^2 = SUMi(XiXi - 2XiX' + X'X') =
= SUMi(Xi^2) - SUMi(2XiX') + SUMi(X'X') =
= SUMi(Xi^2) - 2X'*SUMi(Xi) + N*X'X' = ( assuming X'=SUM(Xi)/N )
= SUMi(Xi^2) - 2X'*N*X' + N*X'X' = SUMi(Xi^2) - N*X'X'
Same with eq's 18 and 20.
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