Re: avoid implicit cctor call

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 15:42:16 -0400
Olaf wrote:

[..] here a more real problem of me:

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/utility.hpp>

using namespace std;

struct Foo : public boost::noncopyable {
   Foo() { cout << " Foo()\n"; }
   ~Foo() { cout << "~Foo()\n"; }
   //Foo( const Foo& ) { cout << " Foo(const Foo&)\n"; }
   void set() const { cout << "Foo::set()\n"; }

struct Bar {
   void set(const Foo& foo) const { foo.set(); }

int main()
   Bar b;

   b.set( Foo() );

Binding of a reference to a temporary *requires* the type to be
copy-constructible. You basically want to have your cake and eat
it too. Can't happen. Either make it copy-constructible, or
don't expect to be able to bind a const reference to a temporary.


$ LANG=en g++ cctor.cpp -o cctor && ./cctor
/usr/include/boost/noncopyable.hpp: In copy constructor
'Foo::Foo(const Foo&)':
/usr/include/boost/noncopyable.hpp:27: error:
boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable&)' is private
cctor.cpp:6: error: within this context
cctor.cpp: In function 'int main()':
cctor.cpp:21: note: synthesized method 'Foo::Foo(const Foo&)' first
required here

Background more precise: Foo can have std::list<T> and function
pointer private data.

I can verify where the copy ctor is involved. Using the own (out
commented) Foo(const Foo&) did compile and run fine, but I'm not shure
about side effects here.

Side effects of what?

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