Re: segmentation fault overloaded operators
On Nov 5, 2:36 pm, Victor Bazarov <> wrote: wrote:
I have created to classes Matrix and System. System is made up of
type matrix.
class Matrix
int row, col;
double *data
A semicolon is missing here...
Matrix(const int& M, const int& N): row(M), col(N)
data = new double[row*col];
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] = 0;
A curly brace seems missing here...
You can shorten this significantly if you just write
Matrix(const int& M, const int& N)
: row(M), col(N), data = new double[row*col]() {}
(notice the parentheses after the bracketed expression).
..... etc
Well, it is very important *what* you have here. Have you followed the
"Rule of Three" carefully?
class System
int num_eq; //number of differential eq=
uations in
Matrix *equations; //array of class Matrix
Sorry, this comment is bogus.
System(const unsigned int num):num_eq(num)
equations = new Matrix[num_eq];
Again, consider initialisation instead of assigning.
.... etc
Again, the question here is whether the Rule of Three was followed. Of
course, there is another way - don't use dynamically allocated manual
arrays for the data in 'Matrix' and 'System'. Use 'vector<double>' and
'vector<Matrix>' instead.
In both classes I have overloaded an operator to facilitate addition.
/*Addition Operator Matrix plus Matrix*/
friend Matrix operator +(const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B)
Matrix C(A.row, A.col);
assert((A.row == B.row) && (A.col == B.col));
I would rewrite it slightly. Assert first, only then allocate. Don=
allocate the default, copy the 'A' matrix there. Once you copied, use
the compound assignment instead of regular one.
Matrix C(A); // copy-initialisation
for(int m = 0; m<C.row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<C.col; n++)
{[m*C.col + n] =[m*A.col =
+ n] +[m*B.col + n];
Do[..] +=[..];
return C;
If you created all necessary pieces to handle copying, you should have
no problem.
/*Addition Operator System plus System*/
friend System operator +(const System& A, const System&=
System C(A.num_eq);
assert(A.num_eq == B.num_eq);
for(int i = 0; i<C.num_eq; i++)
C.equations[i] = A.equations[i] + B.e=
return C;
I have written a simple driver program to test the functionality of
these two classes. Given the following variables which have been
properly initialized
Matrix A, B, C, D;
There is no default constructor in your Matrix class. Hence I have a
problem with this code of yours. It's not the code you have. See th=
FAQ 5.8.
System W, X, Y, Z;
D = A + B + C; //produces valid results
Z = W + X; //produces valid results
Z = W + X + Y; //produces a segmentation fault
I have tried enclosing the terms within parenthesis but that does not
do anything. The code for the operator+ is nearly identical for both
classes. What causes the segmentation fault and how can I resolve it=
PS How do I inset code and preserve formatting?
Make sure you have spaces instead of tabs. If you have, I'm not sure
what problem you are experiencing.
All in all, I would say RTFFAQ first, and then ask other questions.
Please remove capital 'A's when replying by e-mail
I do not respond to top-posted replies, please don't ask- Hide quoted tex=
t -
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I reposted my code into something that is compilable. I have been
using g++ ver 4.1.2 2007112. I have been careful to follow the rule
of the big three when making custom structures. I still get a
segmentation fault whenever I add three objects of type system
I can add two objects of type System together withou any prolem.. i
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Matrix
int row; //number of rows;
int col; //number of col;
double *data; //pointer to pointers (2D data structure of the
Matrix():row(0), col(0){}
Matrix(const int& M, const int& N): row(M), col(N)
data = new double[row*col]; //allocate memory for array of
type double
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] = 0;
/*Constructor for Initialized to values as specified in array A*/
Matrix(const double* A, const int& M, const int& N): row(M),
data = new double[row*col]; //allocate memory for array
of type double
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] = A[m*row + n];
/*Copy Constructor*/
Matrix(const Matrix& old_Matrix): row(old_Matrix.row),
data = new double[row*col];
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] =[m*row + n];
delete[] data;
data = NULL;
/*Addition Operator Matrix plus Matrix*/
friend Matrix operator +(const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B)
assert((A.row == B.row) && (A.col == B.col));
Matrix C(A.row, A.col);
for(int m = 0; m<C.row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<C.col; n++)
{[m*C.row + n] =[m*A.row + n] +[m*B.row
+ n];
return C;
#include "matrix.cpp"
using namespace std;
class System
int num_eq; //number of differential equations in system
Matrix *equations; //array of class Matrix
System(const unsigned int num):num_eq(num)
equations = new Matrix[num_eq];
/*Copy Constructor*/
System(const System& old_System): num_eq(old_System.num_eq)
equations = new Matrix[num_eq];
for(int i = 0; i<num_eq; i++)
equations[i] = old_System.equations[i];
delete[] equations;
equations = NULL;
/*Assignment Operator*/
const System& operator=(const System& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
delete[] this->equations; // donate back useless memory
this->equations = new Matrix[rhs.num_eq]; // allocate new
num_eq = rhs.num_eq;
for(int i = 0; i<num_eq; i++)
equations[i] = rhs.equations[i];
return *this; // return self-reference so cascaded assignment
/*Addition Operator System plus System*/
friend System operator +(const System& A, const System& B)
System C(A.num_eq);
assert(A.num_eq == B.num_eq);
for(int i = 0; i<C.num_eq; i++)
C.equations[i] = A.equations[i] + B.equations[i];
return C;
/*Accessor Functions*/
Matrix operator()(const unsigned short int a) const
assert(a < this->num_eq);
return this->equations[a];
Matrix& operator()(const unsigned short int a)
assert(a < this->num_eq);
return this->equations[a];
/*Ouput Operator*/
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Matrix & A)
for(int m = 0; m<A.row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<A.col; n++)
out <<[m*A.row + n]<<' ';
out <<endl;
return out;
/*Assignment Operator*/
const Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
delete[] this->data; // donate back useless memory
this->data = new double[rhs.row*rhs.col]; // allocate new
row = rhs.row;
col = rhs.col;
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] =[m*rhs.row + n];
return *this; // return self-reference so cascaded assignment
double operator()(const unsigned short int a , const unsigned short
int b) const
assert((a < this->row) || (b < this->col));
return this->data[(a)*this->col + (b)];
double& operator()(const unsigned short int a , const unsigned
short int b)
assert((a < this->row) || (b < this->col));
return this->data[(a)*this->col + (b)];
#include <cstdlib>
#include "system.cpp"
#define M 3 //number of rows
#define N 3 //number of col
using namespace std;
int main()
double a[9] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
double b[9] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
double c[9] = {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};
Matrix Er(a,M,N);
Matrix Ei(b,M,N);
Matrix G(c,M,N);
System Y(3);
System X(3);
Y(0) = Er;
Y(1) = Ei;
Y(2) = G;
X = Y + Y;
X = Y + Y + Y;
return 0;
Any help would be appreciated.