Re: pugXML parser - dumping to XML
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Carl Forsman wrote:
On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 07:55:49 -0500, Tommy <> wrote:
Carl Forsman wrote:
I use the pugXML parser
How can I dump the "IN memory" DOM tree into XML file?
I cannot found a function that can do that.
You can using the built-in branch Root serialize streamer
CPugXmlBranch cRoot = pXml->GetRoot();
cout << cRoot << endl << endl;
my pugxml.h seem don't have the Class CPugXmlBranch
You have an old version then.
I have a 2003 version (attached) and we use it for a lite weight
WINAPI version WCXML.DLL helper/wrapper library for our embedded
p-code system which 3rd party developers can use in their scripts.
The version I have came with an excellent PUGXML.CHM help file with a
sample.cpp example geared toward VC6 developers. I had downloaded it
from (Search for PUGXML). The files extracted were:
01/11/2003 08:20 PM 245,628 pugxml.chm
01/11/2003 12:00 PM 4,597 pugxml.dsp
01/11/2003 11:59 AM 94,869 pugxml.h
01/11/2003 11:41 AM 5,610 pugxml.vcproj
01/13/2003 04:34 AM 108,235
01/13/2003 04:34 AM 231,421
01/13/2003 04:34 AM 19,545
04/30/2006 10:01 AM <DIR> Release
01/11/2003 11:44 AM 6,516 sample.cpp
01/07/2003 12:02 AM 298 stdafx.cpp
01/06/2003 11:52 PM 184 stdafx.h
Now, there were a bugs we found in pugxml.h which I fixed (attached
copy is the fixed version). Do a diff to see the difference once you
get the official copy.
I see in my folders I have an even newer version.
02/09/2003 04:41 PM 151,155 pugxml.chm
01/11/2003 12:00 PM 4,597 pugxml.dsp
02/09/2003 03:25 PM 147,658 pugxml.h
02/09/2003 03:16 PM 164,476 pugxml.hxs
02/01/2003 03:24 PM 5,610 pugxml.vcproj
02/05/2003 04:53 PM 19,345 pugxml.xml
04/30/2006 09:50 AM 43,994
04/30/2006 09:50 AM 261,260
04/30/2006 09:49 AM 29,567
02/09/2003 03:24 PM 10,049 sample.cpp
01/25/2003 07:08 PM 3,280 source-package.css
01/21/2003 02:24 PM 6,739 source-package.xsd
01/25/2003 07:09 PM 7,278 source-package.xsl
01/07/2003 12:02 AM 298 stdafx.cpp
01/06/2003 11:52 PM 184 stdafx.h
But as you can see, its probably no longer a lite version :-)
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// Pug XML Parser (C) 2003, by Kristen Wegner.
// Released into the Public Domain. Use at your own risk.
#pragma once
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define GROW_SIZE 4 //Default child element & attribute space growth increment.
// <summary>
// A 'name=value' XML attribute structure.
// </summary>
typedef struct tagXMLATTR
LPTSTR name; //Pointer to attribute name.
BOOL name_insitu; //True if 'name' is a segment of the original parse string.
LPTSTR value; //Pointer to attribute value.
BOOL value_insitu; //True if 'value' is a segment of the original parse string.
// <summary>
// Tree branch classification.
// </summary>
// <remarks>See 'XMLBRANCH::type'.</remarks>
typedef enum tagXMLENTITY
ENTITY_NULL, //An undifferentiated entity.
ENTITY_ROOT, //A document tree's absolute root.
ENTITY_ELEMENT, //E.g. '<...>'
ENTITY_PCDATA, //E.g. '>...<'
ENTITY_CDATA, //E.g. '<![CDATA[...]]>'
ENTITY_COMMENT, //E.g. '<!--...-->'
ENTITY_PI, //E.g. '<?...?>'
ENTITY_INCLUDE, //E.g. '<![INCLUDE[...]]>'
// <summary>
// Parser options.
// </summary>
// <remarks>See 'CPugXmlParser::Parse'.</remarks>
#define PARSE_MINIMAL 0x00000000 //Unset the following flags.
#define PARSE_PI 0x00000002 //Parse '<?...?>'
#define PARSE_DOCTYPE 0x00000004 //Parse '<!DOCTYPE ...>' section, setting '[...]' as data member.
#define PARSE_COMMENTS 0x00000008 //Parse <!--...-->'
#define PARSE_CDATA 0x00000010 //Parse '<![CDATA[...]]>', and/or '<![INCLUDE[...]]>'
#define PARSE_ESCAPES 0x00000020 //Not implemented.
#define PARSE_TRIM_PCDATA 0x00000040 //Trim '>...<'
#define PARSE_TRIM_ATTRIBUTE 0x00000080 //Trim 'foo="..."'.
#define PARSE_TRIM_CDATA 0x00000100 //Trim '<![CDATA[...]]>', and/or '<![INCLUDE[...]]>'
#define PARSE_TRIM_ENTITY 0x00000200 //Trim '<!ENTITY name ...>', etc.
#define PARSE_TRIM_DOCTYPE 0x00000400 //Trim '<!DOCTYPE [...]>'
#define PARSE_TRIM_COMMENT 0x00000800 //Trim <!--...-->'
#define PARSE_NORMALIZE 0x00001000 //Normalize all entities that are flagged to be trimmed.
#define PARSE_DTD 0x00002000 //If PARSE_DOCTYPE set, then parse whatever is in data member ('[...]').
#define PARSE_DTD_ONLY 0x00004000 //If PARSE_DOCTYPE|PARSE_DTD set, then parse only '<!DOCTYPE [*]>'
#define PARSE_DEFAULT 0x0000FFFF
#define PARSE_DONT_SET 0x80000000
// <summary>
// An XML document tree branch.
// </summary>
typedef struct tagXMLBRANCH
tagXMLBRANCH* parent; //Pointer to parent
LPTSTR name; //Pointer to element name.
BOOL name_insitu; //True if 'name' is a segment of the original parse string.
XMLENTITY type; //Branch type; see XMLENTITY.
UINT_PTR attributes; //Count attributes.
UINT_PTR attribute_space; //Available pointer space in 'attribute'.
XMLATTR** attribute; //Array of pointers to attributes; see XMLATTR.
UINT_PTR children; //Count children in member 'child'.
UINT_PTR child_space; //Available pointer space in 'child'.
tagXMLBRANCH** child; //Array of pointers to children.
LPTSTR data; //Pointer to any associated string data.
BOOL data_insitu; //True if 'data' is a segment of the original parse string.
// <summary>Concatenate 'pRhs' to 'pLhs', growing 'pRhs' if neccessary.</summary>
// <param name="pLhs">Pointer to pointer to receiving string. Note: If '*pLhs' is not null, it must have been dynamically allocated using 'malloc'.</param>
// <param name="pRhs">Source.</param>
// <returns>Success if 'realloc' was successful.</returns>
// <remarks>'pRhs' is resized and 'pRhs' is concatenated to it.</remarks>
inline static BOOL StrCatGrow(LPTSTR* pLhs,LPCTSTR pRhs)
if(!*pLhs) //Null, so first allocate.
*pLhs = (LPTSTR) malloc(1UL*sizeof(TCHAR));
**pLhs = 0; //Zero-terminate.
size_t uLhs = _tcslen(*pLhs);
size_t uRhs = _tcslen(pRhs);
LPTSTR pTemp = (TCHAR*) realloc(*pLhs,(uLhs+uRhs+1UL)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if(!pTemp) return FALSE; //Realloc failed.
memcpy(pTemp+uLhs,pRhs,uRhs*sizeof(TCHAR)); //Concatenate.
pTemp[uLhs+uRhs] = 0; //Terminate it.
*pLhs = pTemp;
return TRUE;
// <summary>Trim leading and trailing whitespace.</summary>
// <param name="s">Pointer to pointer to string.</param>
// <returns>Success.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
inline static BOOL StrWtrim(LPTSTR* s)
if(!s || !*s) return FALSE;
while(**s > 0 && **s < _T('!')) ++*s; //As long as we hit whitespace, increment the string pointer.
LPCTSTR szTemp = *s;
while(0 != *szTemp++); //Find the terminating null.
LONG i, n = (LONG)(szTemp-*s-1);
--n; //Start from the last string char.
for(i=n; (i > -1) && (*s)[i] > 0 && (*s)[i] < _T('!'); --i); //As long as we hit whitespace, decrement.
if(i<n) (*s)[i+1] = 0; //Zero-terminate.
return TRUE;
// <summary>In situ trim leading and trailing whitespace, then convert all consecutive whitespace to a single space char.</summary>
// <param name="s">Pointer to pointer to string.</param>
// <returns>Success.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
inline static BOOL StrWnorm(LPTSTR* s)
if(!s || !*s) return FALSE; //No string to normalize.
while(**s > 0 && **s < _T('!')) ++(*s); //As long as we hit whitespace, increment the string pointer.
LPCTSTR szTemp = *s;
while(0 != *szTemp++); //Find the terminating null.
LONG n = (LONG)(szTemp-*s-1);
LPTSTR szNorm = (LPTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*(n+1)); //Allocate a temporary normalization buffer.
if(!szNorm) return FALSE; //Allocation failed.
memset(szNorm,0,sizeof(TCHAR)*(n+1)); //Zero it.
LONG j = 1;
szNorm[0] = (*s)[0];
for(LONG i=1; i<n; ++i) //For each character, starting at offset 1.
if((*s)[i] < _T('!')) //Whitespace-like.
if((*s)[i-1] >= _T('!')) //Previous was not whitespace-like.
szNorm[j] = _T(' '); //Convert to a space char.
++j; //Normalization buffer grew by one char.
else { szNorm[j] = (*s)[i]; ++j; } //Not whitespace, so just copy over.
if(j < n) //Normalization buffer is actually different that input.
_tcsncpy(*s,szNorm,j); //So, copy it back to input.
(*s)[j] = 0; //Zero-terminate.
free(szNorm); //Don't need this anymore.
--n; //Start from the last string char.
for(i=n; (i > -1) && (*s)[i] > 0 && (*s)[i] < _T('!'); --i); //Find the first non-whitespace from the end.
if(i<n) (*s)[i+1] = 0; //Truncate it.
return TRUE;
// <summary>Allocate & init an XMLATTR structure.</summary>
// <returns>Pointer to new XMLATTR structure.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
inline static XMLATTR* NewAttribute(void)
XMLATTR* p = (XMLATTR*)malloc(sizeof(XMLATTR)); //Allocate one attribute.
if(p) //If allocation succeeded.
p->name = p->value = 0; //No name or value.
p->name_insitu = p->value_insitu = TRUE; //Default to being in-situ of the parse string.
return p;
// <summary>Allocate & init an XMLBRANCH structure.</summary>
// <param name="eType">Desired branch type.</param>
// <returns>Pointer to new XMLBRANCH structure.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
inline static XMLBRANCH* NewBranch(XMLENTITY eType = ENTITY_ELEMENT)
XMLBRANCH* p = (XMLBRANCH*)malloc(sizeof(XMLBRANCH)); //Allocate one branch.
if(p) //If allocation succeeded.
p->name = p->data = 0; //No name or data.
p->type = eType; //Set the desired type.
p->attributes = p->children = 0; //No attributes or children.
p->name_insitu = p->data_insitu = TRUE; //Default to being in-situ of the parse string.
eType != ENTITY_ROOT && //None of these will have attributes.
eType != ENTITY_CDATA &&
p->attribute = (XMLATTR**)malloc(sizeof(XMLATTR*)); //Allocate one attribute.
else p->attribute = NULL;
p->attribute_space = (p->attribute) ? 1 : 0;
eType == ENTITY_ELEMENT || //Only these will have children.
p->child = (XMLBRANCH**)malloc(sizeof(XMLBRANCH*)); //Allocate one child.
else p->child = NULL;
p->child_space = (p->child) ? 1 : 0;
return p;
// <summary>Allocate & graft a new XMLBRANCH onto the given parent.</summary>
// <param name="pParent">Pointer to parent node.</param>
// <param name="lGrow">Pointer space growth increment.</param>
// <param name="eType">Desired branch type.</param>
// <returns>Pointer to new branch.</returns>
// <remarks>Child pointer space of 'pBranch' may be realloc'd.</remarks>
inline static XMLBRANCH* GraftBranch(XMLBRANCH* pParent,LONG lGrow,XMLENTITY eType = ENTITY_ELEMENT)
if(!pParent) return NULL; //Must have a parent.
if(pParent->children == pParent->child_space) //Out of pointer space.
XMLBRANCH** t = (XMLBRANCH**)realloc(pParent->child,sizeof(XMLBRANCH*)*(pParent->child_space+lGrow)); //Grow pointer space.
if(t) //Reallocation succeeded.
pParent->child = t;
pParent->child_space += lGrow; //Update the available space.
XMLBRANCH* pChild = NewBranch(eType); //Allocate a new child.
pChild->parent = pParent; //Set it's parent pointer.
pParent->child[pParent->children] = pChild; //Set the parent's child pointer.
pParent->children++; //One more child.
return pChild;
// <summary>Allocate & append a new attribute to the given XMLBRANCH.</summary>
// <param name="pBranch">Pointer to parent node.</param>
// <param name="lGrow">Pointer space growth increment.</param>
// <returns>Pointer to appended XMLATTR.</returns>
// <remarks>Attribute pointer space of 'pBranch' may be reallocated.</remarks>
inline static XMLATTR* AddAttribute(XMLBRANCH* pBranch,LONG lGrow)
if(!pBranch) return NULL;
XMLATTR* a = NewAttribute();
if(!a) return NULL;
if(pBranch->attributes == pBranch->attribute_space) //Out of space, so grow.
XMLATTR** t = (XMLATTR**)realloc(pBranch->attribute,sizeof(XMLBRANCH*)*(pBranch->attribute_space+lGrow));
pBranch->attribute = t;
pBranch->attribute_space += lGrow;
pBranch->attribute[pBranch->attributes] = a;
return a;
// <summary>Non-recursively free a tree.</summary>
// <param name="pRoot">Pointer to the root of the tree. Note: 'pRoot' must have been dynamically allocated using 'malloc' or 'realloc', as 'FreeTree' tries to also free the structure pointed to by 'pRoot'.</param>
// <returns>Nothing.</returns>
// <remarks>'pRoot' no longer points to a valid structure.</remarks>
inline static void FreeTree(XMLBRANCH* pRoot)
if(!pRoot) return;
register XMLBRANCH* pCursor = pRoot;
//Free all children of children.
for(; pCursor->children>0; --pCursor->children) //Free each child in turn; 'children' keeps count while we jump around.
register XMLBRANCH* t = pCursor->child[pCursor->children-1]; //Take a pointer to the child.
if(t && t->children) //If the child has children.
pCursor = t; //Step in.
goto LOC_STEP_INTO; //Step into this branch.
else if(t)
if(t->attributes) //Child has attributes.
register UINT_PTR n = t->attributes; //Free each attribute.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(t->attribute[i]->name && !t->attribute[i]->name_insitu)
if(t->attribute[i]->value && !t->attribute[i]->value_insitu)
if(t->attribute) free(t->attribute); //Free attribute pointer space.
if(t->child) free(t->child); //Free child pointer space.
if(t->name && !t->name_insitu) free(t->name);
if(t->data && !t->data_insitu) free(t->data);
free(t); //Free the child node.
pCursor = pCursor->parent; //Step out.
while(pCursor->children); //While there are children.
//Finally, free the root's children & the root itself.
register UINT_PTR n = pCursor->attributes;
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(pCursor->attribute[i]->name && !pCursor->attribute[i]->name_insitu)
if(pCursor->attribute[i]->value && !pCursor->attribute[i]->value_insitu)
if(pCursor->attribute) free(pCursor->attribute); //Free attribute pointer space.
if(pCursor->child) free(pCursor->child); //Free child pointer space.
if(pCursor->name && !pCursor->name_insitu) free(pCursor->name); //Free name & data.
if(pCursor->data && !pCursor->data_insitu) free(pCursor->data);
free(pCursor); //Free the root itself.
// <summary>
// A void pointer array. Used by various CPugXmlBranch::Find* functions.
// </summary>
class CPugXmlPtrArray
UINT_PTR _m_nList; //Count items.
UINT_PTR _m_nRoom; //Available space.
LPVOID* _m_pList; //The list.
UINT_PTR _m_nGrow; //Grow by increment.
// <summary>Default constructor.</summary>
// <param name="nGrowBy">Array growth increment.</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
CPugXmlPtrArray(UINT_PTR nGrowBy = 4) :
_m_pList = (LPVOID*)malloc(sizeof(void*)*_m_nGrow);
_m_nRoom = (_m_pList) ? _m_nGrow : 0;
// <summary>Destructor.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
~CPugXmlPtrArray(){ if(_m_pList) free(_m_pList); }
BOOL IsEmpty(){ return (_m_nList == 0); } //True if there is no data in the array.
void RemoveAll(){ _m_nList = 0; } //Remove all data elements from the array.
void Empty() //Free any allocated memory.
_m_pList = (LPVOID*)realloc(_m_pList,sizeof(void*)*_m_nGrow); //Reallocate to first growth increment.
_m_nRoom = _m_nGrow; //Mark it as such.
_m_nList = 0; //Mark array as empty.
virtual LPVOID& operator[](UINT_PTR i) //Access element at subscript, or dummy value if overflow.
static LPVOID pDummy = 0;
if(i < _m_nList) return _m_pList[i]; else return pDummy;
UINT_PTR GetCount(){ return _m_nList; } //Count data elements in the array.
virtual LPVOID GetAt(UINT_PTR i){ if(i < _m_nList) return _m_pList[i]; else return NULL; } //Access element at subscript, or NULL if overflow.
LONG Add(LPVOID pElement) //Append a new element to the array.
if(_m_pList) //Fail if no array.
if(_m_nList < _m_nRoom) //There is enough allocated space.
_m_pList[_m_nList] = pElement; //Set it.
_m_nList++; //Increment our count of elements.
return _m_nList-1; //Return the element's subscript.
else //Not enough room.
LPVOID* pTemp = (LPVOID*)realloc(_m_pList,sizeof(void*)*(_m_nList+_m_nGrow)); //Grow the array.
if(pTemp) //Reallocation succeeded.
_m_nRoom += _m_nGrow; //Increment available space.
_m_pList = pTemp; //Assign reallocated value to array pointer.
_m_pList[_m_nList] = pElement; //Set the element to be added.
_m_nList++; //Increment our count of elements.
return _m_nList-1; //Return the element's subscript.
return -1; //Something failed, so return a bad subscript.
// <summary>
// A simple indentation stack.
// </summary>
// <remarks>Used by CPugXmlBranch::Serialize function.</remarks>
class CPugXmlIndent
//Internal Data Members
TCHAR _m_cChar; //The indent character.
LPTSTR _m_pIndent; //The aggregate indent string (stack).
INT_PTR _m_uDepth; //Current depth (avoids using 'strlen' on push/pop).
// <summary>Default constructor.</summary>
// <param name="c">Indent character.</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
CPugXmlIndent(TCHAR c = _T('\t')):
_m_pIndent(0) ,
_m_pIndent = (LPTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)); //Allocate.
*_m_pIndent = 0; //Zero-terminate.
// <summary>Destructor.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
virtual ~CPugXmlIndent(){ if(_m_pIndent) free(_m_pIndent); }
//Stack Operators
// <summary>Grow indent string by one indent character.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Reallocates the indent string.</remarks>
void Push()
if(_m_cChar && _m_pIndent)
_m_pIndent = (LPTSTR)realloc(_m_pIndent,sizeof(TCHAR)*(_m_uDepth+1));
_m_pIndent[_m_uDepth-1] = _m_cChar;
_m_pIndent[_m_uDepth] = 0;
// <summary>Shrinks the indent string by one indent character.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
void Pop()
if(_m_cChar && _m_pIndent && _m_uDepth > 0)
_m_pIndent = (LPTSTR)realloc(_m_pIndent,sizeof(TCHAR)*(_m_uDepth+1));
_m_pIndent[_m_uDepth] = 0;
// <summary>Accesses the indent depth.</summary>
// <returns>The current indent string, or "" if empty.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
LPCTSTR Depth(){ return (_m_cChar && _m_pIndent) ? _m_pIndent : _T(""); }
class CPugXmlBranch; //Forward decl.
// <summary>
// Abstract filter class for CPugXmlBranch::Traverse().
// </summary>
class CPugXmlFilter
LONG _m_lDepth; //Current branch depth.
CPugXmlFilter() : _m_lDepth(-1) {} //Default constructor.
virtual ~CPugXmlFilter(){} //Destructor.
virtual void Push(){ ++_m_lDepth; } //Increment branch depth.
virtual void Pop(){ --_m_lDepth; } //Decrement branch depth.
virtual LONG GetDepth(){ return (_m_lDepth > 0) ? _m_lDepth : 0; } //Access branch depth.
// <summary>Primary method: callback for each branch that is hit on traverse.</summary>
// <returns>Returning false will abort the traversal.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
virtual BOOL OnBranch(CPugXmlBranch) = 0;
// <summary>
// Provides a light-weight wrapper for manipulating XMLBRANCH structures.
// </summary>
class CPugXmlBranch
//Internal Data Members
XMLBRANCH* _m_pRoot; //Pointer to branch root.
XMLBRANCH _m_xRoot; //Utility.
// <summary>Default constructor.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Branch root points to a dummy 'XMLBRANCH' structure. Test for this with 'IsNull'.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch(): _m_pRoot(0)
_m_xRoot.type = ENTITY_NULL;
_m_xRoot.parent = &_m_xRoot;
_m_pRoot = &_m_xRoot;
// <summary>Construct, wrapping the given 'XMLBRANCH' pointer.</summary>
// <param name="p">Pointer to branch to wrap.</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>It is possible that 'p' is NULL, so test for this with 'IsNull'.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch(XMLBRANCH* p) : _m_pRoot(p) { memset(&_m_xRoot,0,sizeof(XMLBRANCH)); }
// <summary>Copy constructor.</summary>
// <param name="r">Reference to branch.</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Only the root pointer is assigned, so both classes now in fact point to the same structure.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch(const CPugXmlBranch& r) : _m_pRoot(r._m_pRoot) {}
// <summary>Destructor.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
virtual ~CPugXmlBranch(){}
//Overloaded Operators
operator XMLBRANCH*(){ return _m_pRoot; } //Cast as XMLBRANCH pointer.
operator LPVOID(){ return (LPVOID)_m_pRoot; } //Cast root as LPVOID.
CPugXmlBranch& operator=(const CPugXmlBranch& r){ _m_pRoot = r._m_pRoot; return *this; } //Assign.
BOOL operator==(const CPugXmlBranch& r){ return (_m_pRoot == r._m_pRoot); } //Compare.
CPugXmlBranch operator[](UINT_PTR i){ return GetChildAt(i); } //Access the child at subscript.
//Branch Classification
BOOL IsNull() { return (_m_pRoot == 0 || _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_NULL); } //Branch pointer is not null.
BOOL IsElement() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_ELEMENT); } //Branch is an element.
BOOL IsComment() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_COMMENT); } //Branch is a comment.
BOOL IsPCDATA() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_PCDATA); } //Branch is PCDATA.
BOOL IsCDATA() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_CDATA); } //Branch is CDATA.
BOOL IsINCLUDE() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_INCLUDE); } //Branch is INCLUDE.
BOOL IsPI() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_PI); } //Branch is a processing instruction.
BOOL IsDOCTYPE() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_DOCTYPE); } //Branch is DOCTYPE.
BOOL IsDTD() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type > ENTITY_DOCTYPE); } //Branch is ENTITY_DTD_*.
BOOL IsDTD_ATTLIST() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_DTD_ATTLIST); } //Branch is ENTITY_DTD_ATTLIST.
BOOL IsDTD_ELEMENT() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_DTD_ELEMENT); } //Branch is ENTITY_DTD_ELEMENT.
BOOL IsDTD_ENTITY() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_DTD_ENTITY); } //Branch is ENTITY_DTD_ENTITY.
BOOL IsDTD_NOTATION() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->type == ENTITY_DTD_NOTATION); } //Branch is ENTITY_DTD_NOTATION.
BOOL IsNamed(LPCTSTR szName) { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot->name && _tcscmp(_m_pRoot->name,szName)==0); } //Branch is named 'name'.
BOOL IsRoot() { return (_m_pRoot && _m_pRoot == _m_pRoot->parent); } //Branch is tree root.
//Member Inventory
BOOL HasData() { return (!IsNull() && _m_pRoot->data != 0); } //Branch has data (comment, CDATA or PCDATA).
BOOL HasChildren() { return (!IsNull() && GetChildrenCount() > 0); } //Branch has 1 or more children.
BOOL HasAttributes() { return (!IsNull() && GetAttributesCount() > 0); } //Branch has 1 or more attributes.
BOOL HasSiblings() { return (!IsNull() && GetSiblingsCount() > 0); } //Branch has one or more siblings.
BOOL HasName() { return (!IsNull() && _m_pRoot->name != 0); } //Branch has a name.
BOOL HasAttribute(LPCTSTR szName){ return (MapStringToAttributeIndex(szName) > -1); } //Branch has an attribute named szName.
//Member Accessors
// <summary>Direct 'XMLBRANCH' structure member accessors.</summary>
// <returns>Member value, or dummy value if the member is null.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
LPCTSTR GetName() { return (HasName()) ? _m_pRoot->name : _T(""); } //Access pointer to branch name if any, else empty string.
XMLENTITY GetType() { return (XMLENTITY)_m_pRoot->type; } //Access branch entity type.
LPCTSTR GetData() { return (HasData()) ? _m_pRoot->data : _T(""); } //Access pointer to data if any, else empty string.
UINT_PTR GetChildrenCount() { return _m_pRoot->children; } //Access branch's child count.
CPugXmlBranch GetChildAt(UINT_PTR i) //Access child branch at subscript as CPugXmlBranch or CPugXmlBranch(NULL) if bad subscript.
return (i < GetChildrenCount()) ? CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot->child[i]) : CPugXmlBranch();
UINT_PTR GetAttributesCount() { return _m_pRoot->attributes; } //Access branch's attribute count.
const XMLATTR* GetAttributeAt(UINT_PTR i) //Access attribute at subscript if any, else empty attribute.
static XMLATTR xDummy = {_T(""),TRUE,_T(""),TRUE};
return (i < GetAttributesCount()) ? _m_pRoot->attribute[i] : &xDummy;
UINT_PTR GetSiblingsCount() { return (!IsRoot()) ? _m_pRoot->parent->children : 0; } //Access branch's sibling count (parent's child count).
CPugXmlBranch GetSiblingAt(UINT_PTR i) //Access sibling branch at subscript as CPugXmlBranch or CPugXmlBranch(NULL) if bad subscript.
return (!IsRoot() && i < GetSiblingsCount()) ? CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot->parent->child[i]) : CPugXmlBranch();
CPugXmlBranch GetParent() //Access branch's parent if any, else CPugXmlBranch(NULL)
return (!IsRoot()) ? CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot->parent) : CPugXmlBranch();
// <summary>Access attribute value as string for attribute named 'szName'. If not found, return 'tDefault'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of attribute to find.</param>
// <param name="tDefault">Default value to return if not found.</param>
// <returns>Attribute value string, or default.</returns>
// <remarks>For small numbers of attributes it is not worth implementing a hash table, however if you are expecting more than 3-4 attributes, an this function is heavily used, the time savings might be worth the overhead.</remarks>
LPCTSTR GetAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,LPCTSTR tDefault = _T(""))
XMLATTR* pAttr = MapStringToAttributePtr(szName);
if(pAttr) return pAttr->value;
return tDefault;
// <summary>Access attribute value as LONG for attribute named 'szName'. If not found, return 'tDefault'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of attribute to find.</param>
// <param name="tDefault">Default value to return if not found.</param>
// <returns>LONG attribute value, or default.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
LONG GetAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,LONG tDefault)
LPCTSTR v = GetAttribute(szName); //Get the attribute, or "".
if(*v) return _tcstol(v,NULL,10); //Convert & return using 'strtol'.
else return tDefault; //Return default.
// <summary>Access attribute value as DOUBLE for attribute named 'szName'. If not found, return 'tDefault'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of attribute to find.</param>
// <param name="tDefault">Default value to return if not found.</param>
// <returns>DOUBLE attribute value, or default.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
DOUBLE GetAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,DOUBLE tDefault)
LPCTSTR v = GetAttribute(szName); //Get the attribute, or "".
if(*v) return _tcstod(v,0); //Convert & return using 'strtod'.
else return tDefault; //Return default.
// <summary>Access attribute value as BOOL for attribute named 'szName'. If not found, return 'tDefault'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of attribute to find.</param>
// <param name="tDefault">Default value to return if not found.</param>
// <returns>BOOL attribute value, or default.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL GetAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,BOOL tDefault)
LPCTSTR v = GetAttribute(szName);
if(*v) return (*v ==_T('1')||*v ==_T('t')||*v ==_T('T')||*v==_T('y')||*v==_T('Y'))
return tDefault;
//Name-To-Object Mapping
// <summary>Map an attribute name to a pointer to that attribute, if found.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of attribute to find.</param>
// <returns>Pointer to attribute, or NULL if not found.</returns>
// <remarks>Implement your own hash table if you have a great many attributes.</remarks>
XMLATTR* MapStringToAttributePtr(LPCTSTR szName)
if(!_m_pRoot) return NULL;
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->attributes;
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
return _m_pRoot->attribute[i];
return NULL;
// <summary>Map an attribute name to the index of that attribute, if found.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of attribute to find.</param>
// <returns>Index of attribute, or -1 if not found.</returns>
// <remarks>Implement your own hash table if you have a great many attributes.</remarks>
INT_PTR MapStringToAttributeIndex(LPCTSTR szName)
if(!_m_pRoot) return -1;
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->attributes;
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
return i;
return -1;
// <summary>Map a child name to a pointer to the first instance, if found.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of child to find.</param>
// <returns>Index of child, or -1 if not found.</returns>
// <remarks>Implement your own hash table if you have a great many children.</remarks>
XMLBRANCH* MapStringToChildPtr(LPCTSTR szName)
if(!_m_pRoot) return NULL;
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children;
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(_m_pRoot->child[i]->name && (_tcscmp(szName,_m_pRoot->child[i]->name)==0))
return _m_pRoot->child[i];
return NULL;
// <summary>Map a child name to the index of the first instance, if found.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of child to find.</param>
// <returns>Index of child, or -1 if not found.</returns>
// <remarks>Implement your own hash table if you have a great many children.</remarks>
INT_PTR MapStringToChildIndex(LPCTSTR szName)
if(!_m_pRoot) return -1;
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children;
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(_m_pRoot->child[i]->name && (_tcscmp(szName,_m_pRoot->child[i]->name)==0))
return i;
return -1;
//Traversal Helpers
// <summary>Find all elements having the given name.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of child to find.</param>
// <param name="rFound">Reference to CPugXmlBranchArray or CPugXmlPtrArray to receive the matching elements.</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
void FindAllElements(LPCTSTR szName,CPugXmlPtrArray& rFound)
if(IsNull()) return; //Invalid branch, so fail.
if(_m_pRoot->children > 0) //Has children.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //For each child.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
_m_pRoot->child[i] && //There is a child at i.
_m_pRoot->child[i]->name && //The child has a name.
(_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->child[i]->name,szName)==0) //The name is identical to 'szName'.
rFound.Add(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Add it to the array.
if(_m_pRoot->child[i]->children) //If there are children.
CPugXmlBranch cChild(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Wrap it up for ease.
cChild.FindAllElements(szName,rFound); //Find any matching children.
// <summary>Recursively-implemented depth-first find the first matching element. Use for shallow drill-downs.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of element to find.</param>
// <returns>Valid CPugXmlBranch if such element named 'szName' is found.</returns>
// <remarks>CPugXmlBranch may be invalid if not found; test with 'IsNull'.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch FindFirstElement(LPCTSTR szName)
if(IsNull()) return CPugXmlBranch(); //Invalid branch, so fail.
if(_m_pRoot->children > 0) //Has children.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //For each child.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(_m_pRoot->child[i]->name && (_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->child[i]->name,szName)==0))
return CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot->child[i]);
else if(_m_pRoot->child[i]->children)
CPugXmlBranch cChild(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Wrap it up for ease.
CPugXmlBranch cFind = cChild.FindFirstElement(szName);
if(!cFind.IsNull()) return cFind; //Found.
return CPugXmlBranch(); //Not found.
// <summary>Recursively-implemented depth-first find the first matching element also having matching PCDATA.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of element to find.</param>
// <param name="szData">Pointer to PCDATA to find.</param>
// <returns>Valid CPugXmlBranch if such element named 'szName' is found with PCDATA 'szData'.</returns>
// <remarks>CPugXmlBranch may be invalid if not found; test with 'IsNull'.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch FindFirstElemData(LPCTSTR szName,LPCTSTR szData)
if(IsNull()) return CPugXmlBranch(); //Invalid branch, so fail.
if(_m_pRoot->children > 0) //Has children.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //For each child.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
_m_pRoot->child[i] && //There is a child at i.
_m_pRoot->child[i]->name && //The child has a name.
_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->child[i]->name,szName)==0 //The child name is identical to 'szName'.
register UINT_PTR m = _m_pRoot->child[i]->children; //For each child of child.
for(register UINT_PTR j=0; j<m; ++j)
_m_pRoot->child[i]->child[j] && //There is a child at j.
_m_pRoot->child[i]->child[j]->type == ENTITY_PCDATA && //It is of the PCDATA type.
_m_pRoot->child[i]->child[j]->data && //It has data.
(_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->child[i]->child[j]->data,szData)==0) //The data is identical with 'szData'.
return CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Wrap it up and return.
else if(_m_pRoot->child[i] && _m_pRoot->child[i]->children) //The child has children.
CPugXmlBranch cChild(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Wrap it up for ease.
CPugXmlBranch cFind = cChild.FindFirstElemData(szName,szData); //Search any children.
if(!cFind.IsNull()) return cFind; //Found.
return CPugXmlBranch(); //Not found.
// <summary>Recursively-implemented depth-first find the first matching element also having matching attribute.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of element to find.</param>
// <param name="szAttr">Pointer to name of attribute to find.</param>
// <param name="szValue">Pointer to attribute value to find.</param>
// <returns>Valid CPugXmlBranch if such element named 'szName' is found.</returns>
// <remarks>CPugXmlBranch may be invalid if not found; test with 'IsNull'.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch FindFirstElemAttr(LPCTSTR szName,LPCTSTR szAttr,LPCTSTR szValue)
if(IsNull()) return CPugXmlBranch(); //Invalid branch, so fail.
if(_m_pRoot->children > 0) //Has children.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //For each child.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
_m_pRoot->child[i] && //There is a child at i.
_m_pRoot->child[i]->name && //The child has a name.
_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->child[i]->name,szName)==0 //The name is identical with 'szName'.
register UINT_PTR m = _m_pRoot->child[i]->attributes; //For each attribute of child.
for(register UINT_PTR j=0; j<m; ++j)
_m_pRoot->child[i]->attribute[j] && //There is an attribute at j.
_m_pRoot->child[i]->attribute[j]->name && //The attribute has a name.
_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->child[i]->attribute[j]->name,szAttr)==0 && //The name is identical with 'szAttr'.
_m_pRoot->child[i]->attribute[j]->value && //The attribute has a value.
_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->child[i]->attribute[j]->value,szValue)==0 //The value is identical with 'szValue'.
return CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Wrap it up and return.
else if(_m_pRoot->child[i] && _m_pRoot->child[i]->children)
CPugXmlBranch cChild(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Wrap it up for ease.
CPugXmlBranch cFind = cChild.FindFirstElemAttr(szName,szAttr,szValue); //Search any children.
if(!cFind.IsNull()) return cFind; //Found.
return CPugXmlBranch(); //Not found.
// <summary>Recursively-implemented depth-first find the first matching entity. Use for shallow drill-downs.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Pointer to name of element to find.</param>
// <returns>Valid CPugXmlBranch if such element named 'szName' is found.</returns>
// <remarks>CPugXmlBranch may be invalid if not found; test with 'IsNull'.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch FindFirstBranch(XMLENTITY eType)
if(!_m_pRoot) return CPugXmlBranch();
if(_m_pRoot->children > 0) //Has children.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //For each child.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
return CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot->child[i]);
else if(_m_pRoot->child[i]->children)
CPugXmlBranch cChild(_m_pRoot->child[i]);
CPugXmlBranch cFind = cChild.FindFirstBranch(eType);
if(!cFind.IsNull()) return cFind; //Found.
return CPugXmlBranch(); //Not found.
// <summary>Move to the absolute root of the document tree.</summary>
// <returns>True if the current branch is valid.</returns>
// <remarks>Member '_m_pRoot' may now point to absolute root of the document.</remarks>
BOOL MoveToRoot()
if(IsNull()) return FALSE; //Nowhere to go.
while(!IsRoot()) _m_pRoot = _m_pRoot->parent; //Keep stepping out until we hit the root.
return TRUE; //Success.
// <summary>Move to the current branch's parent.</summary>
// <returns>TRUE if there is a parent and cursor is not parent, and cursor points thereto.</returns>
// <remarks>'_m_pRoot' may now point to parent.</remarks>
BOOL MoveToParent()
if(IsNull() || IsRoot()) return FALSE; //Invalid, or at the root (has no parent).
_m_pRoot = _m_pRoot->parent; //Move to parent.
return TRUE; //Success.
// <summary>Move to the current branch's sibling at subscript. Equivalent to 'MoveToChild' following 'MoveToParent'.</summary>
// <param name="i">Subscript of sibling to move cursor to.</param>
// <returns>True if valid subscript, and cursor points thereto.</returns>
// <remarks>If matching co-branch was found, '_m_pRoot' points thereto.</remarks>
BOOL MoveToSibling(UINT_PTR i)
if(IsNull()) return FALSE; //Nowhere to go.
XMLBRANCH* pRestore = _m_pRoot; //Save position in case invalid subscript & we want to restore.
if(MoveToParent()) //Try to move to parent.
if(i < GetChildrenCount()) //Subscript is in range. (Assume parent *does* have children.)
_m_pRoot = _m_pRoot->child[i]; //Move to child at subscript ('sibling').
return TRUE; //Success.
_m_pRoot = pRestore; //Bad subscript, or parent move; restore.
return FALSE;
// <summary>Move to the current branch's first sibling matching given name.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Element name of sibling to move to.</param>
// <returns>True if sibling was found, and cursor points thereto.</returns>
// <remarks>If matching co-branch was found, '_m_pRoot' points thereto.</remarks>
BOOL MoveToFirstSibling(LPCTSTR szName)
if(IsNull() || !szName) return FALSE; //Nowhere to go, or nothing to find.
XMLBRANCH* pRestore = _m_pRoot; //Save position in case invalid subscript & we want to restore.
if(MoveToParent()) //Try to move to parent.
register UINT_PTR n = GetChildrenCount(); //Search for matching name
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(GetChildAt(i).IsElement()||GetChildAt(i).IsPI()) //Other types won't have names.
if(_tcscmp(szName,GetChildAt(i).GetName())==0) //Do names match?
_m_pRoot = GetChildAt(i); //Move there.
return TRUE; //Success.
_m_pRoot = pRestore; //Failed to locate any such sibling; restore position.
return FALSE;
// <summary>Move to the current branch's child at subscript.</summary>
// <param name="i">Subscript of child to move cursor to.</param>
// <returns>TRUE if valid subscript, and cursor points thereto.</returns>
// <remarks>If matching sub-branch was found, '_m_pRoot' points thereto.</remarks>
BOOL MoveToChild(UINT_PTR i)
if(IsNull()) return FALSE; //Null, so no children.
if(HasChildren() && i < GetChildrenCount()) //Has children and subscript is in bounds.
_m_pRoot = GetChildAt(i); //Move to the child at i.
return TRUE; //Success.
return FALSE; //Failure.
// <summary>Move to the current branch's child matching given name.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Element name of child to move to if found.</param>
// <returns>True if child was found, and cursor points thereto.</returns>
// <remarks>If matching sub-branch was found, '_m_pRoot' points thereto.</remarks>
BOOL MoveToChild(LPCTSTR szName)
if(IsNull() || !szName || !HasChildren()) return FALSE; //The branch is null, a name was not specified, or branch has no children.
register UINT_PTR n = GetChildrenCount(); //For each child.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(_tcscmp(szName,GetChildAt(i).GetName())==0) //If the name is identical with 'szName'.
_m_pRoot = GetChildAt(i); //Move to it.
return TRUE; //Success.
return FALSE; //Failure.
// <summary>Move to the current branch's next sibling by position and name.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name of sibling to move to if found.</param>
// <returns>True if there is a next sibling, and cursor points thereto.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL MoveToNextSibling(LPCTSTR szName)
if(IsNull() || IsRoot() || !_m_pRoot->parent || !szName) return FALSE; //Null, or at root, or no name, so there are no valid matches.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->parent->children; //For each child of parent.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<(n-1); ++i)
_m_pRoot->parent->child[i] && //There is a child at i.
_m_pRoot->parent->child[i] == _m_pRoot && //The child is identical with this branch.
i < (n-1) //This is not the last child.
for(++i; i<n; ++i) //For each following child.
_m_pRoot->parent->child[i] && //There is a child at i.
_m_pRoot->parent->child[i]->name && //The child's name is not null.
_tcscmp(_m_pRoot->parent->child[i]->name,szName)==0 //The child's name is identical with 'szName'.
MoveToSibling(i); //Move to it.
return TRUE; //Success.
return FALSE; //Failure.
// <summary>Move to the current branch's next sibling by position.</summary>
// <returns>True if there is a next sibling, and cursor points thereto.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL MoveToNextSibling()
if(IsNull() || IsRoot() || !_m_pRoot->parent) return FALSE; //Null or at root, so there are no valid siblings.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->parent->children; //For each child of parent (each sibling).
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<(n-1); ++i)
_m_pRoot->parent->child[i] && //There is a child at i.
_m_pRoot->parent->child[i] == _m_pRoot && //The child is identical with this branch.
i < (n-1) //This is not the last child.
for(++i; i<n; ++i) //For each following child.
if(_m_pRoot->parent->child[i]) //There is a child at i.
MoveToSibling(i); //Move to it.
return TRUE; //Success.
return FALSE; //Failure.
// <summary>Compile the absolute branch path from root as a text string.</summary>
// <param name="szDelim">Delimiter string to insert between element names.</param>
// <returns>Pointer to dynamically allocated path string (e.g. with '/' as delimiter, '/document/.../this'.</returns>
// <remarks>Note: Returned string is dynamically allocated and must be freed by 'free()' when no longer useful.</remarks>
LPTSTR CompilePath(LPCTSTR szDelim = _T("/"))
LPTSTR szPath = NULL, szTemp; //Current path, and temporary pointer.
CPugXmlBranch cCurr = *this; //Make a copy.
StrCatGrow(&szPath,cCurr.GetName()); //Get this name.
while(cCurr.MoveToParent() && !cCurr.IsRoot()) //Loop to parent (stopping on actual root because it has no name).
szTemp = NULL; //Mark as null so 'StrCatGrow' will allocate memory.
StrCatGrow(&szTemp,cCurr.GetName()); //Append next element name.
StrCatGrow(&szTemp,szDelim); //Append delimiter.
StrCatGrow(&szTemp,szPath); //Append current path.
free(szPath); //Free the old path.
szPath = szTemp; //Set path as new string.
szTemp = NULL;
StrCatGrow(&szTemp,szDelim); //Prepend final delimiter.
StrCatGrow(&szTemp,szPath); //Append current path.
free(szPath); //Free the old path.
szPath = szTemp; //Set path as new string.
return szPath; //Return the path;
// <summary>Search for a branch by path.</summary>
// <param name="szPath">Path string; e.g. './foo/bar' (relative to branch), '/foo/bar' (relative to root), '../foo/bar' (pop relative position).</param>
// <param name="szDelim">Delimiter string to use in tokenizing path.</param>
// <returns>Matching branch, or CPugXmlBranch(NULL) if not found.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
CPugXmlBranch FindByPath(LPCTSTR szPath,LPCTSTR szDelim = _T("/"))
if(!szPath) return CPugXmlBranch();
CPugXmlPtrArray cPath; //Array of path segments.
CPugXmlBranch cFind = *this; //Current search context.
LPTSTR szElem = _tcstok(szTemp,szDelim);
while(szElem) //Tokenize the whole path.
cPath.Add((LPVOID)szElem); //Add it to array.
szElem = _tcstok(NULL,szDelim); //Get the next token,
register UINT_PTR n = cPath.GetCount();
if(n == 0) return CPugXmlBranch(); //Return null branch if no path segments.
if(szPath[0]==szDelim[0]) cFind.MoveToRoot(); //Absolute path; e.g. '/foo/bar'
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i) //For each path segment.
szElem = (LPTSTR)cPath.GetAt(i);
if(*szElem==_T('.')) //Is '.' or '..'
if(_tcscmp(szElem,_T("..")) ==0) cFind.MoveToParent(); //Pop.
else continue; //Ignore '.' since it is redundant if path is './path'.
register UINT_PTR j, m = cFind.GetChildrenCount(); //For each child.
for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
if(cFind.GetChildAt(j).IsNamed(szElem)) //Name matches?
cFind = cFind.GetChildAt(j); //Move to this child.
goto NEXT_ELEM; //Search next path segment.
if(cFind.MoveToNextSibling(cFind.GetName())) //Find next sibling having same name.
if(i > 0) --i; //Try the previous path segment.
else //Move to parent to search further.
if(!cFind.IsRoot() && cFind.MoveToParent() && !cFind.IsRoot()) //Not root and stepped to parent and parent is not root.
if(i > 0) --i; //Try the previous path segment.
if(cFind.MoveToNextSibling(cFind.GetName())) //Try to find next sibling having same name.
if(i > 0) --i; //Try the previous path segment.
if(cFind.IsRoot()) //Can't move up any higher, so fail.
free(szTemp); //Got to free this.
return CPugXmlBranch(); //Return null branch.
free(szTemp); //Got to free this.
return cFind; //Return the matching branch.
// <summary>Recursively traverse the tree.</summary>
// <param name="rFilter">Reference to filter class.</param>
// <returns>True if traversal was not halted by CPugXmlFilter::OnBranch() callback.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL Traverse(CPugXmlFilter& rFilter)
if(!IsNull()) //Don't traveres if this is a null branch.
rFilter.Push(); //Increment the filter depth counter.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //For each child.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(_m_pRoot->child[i]) //There is a child at i.
CPugXmlBranch cNext(_m_pRoot->child[i]); //Wrap it.
if(!(rFilter.OnBranch(cNext) && cNext.Traverse(rFilter))) //There is an OnBranch callback returning false.
return FALSE; //Traversal was aborted.
rFilter.Pop(); //Decrement the filter depth counter.
return TRUE;
//Editorial Helpers
// <summary>Set structure string member to given value.</summary>
// <param name="pDest">Pointer to pointer to destination.</param>
// <param name="szSrc">Source.</param>
// <param name="pInSitu">Pointer to boolean in-situ string flag.</param>
// <returns>TRUE if member was set to the new value.</returns>
// <remarks>If 'szSrc' is larger than 'pDest' then 'pDest' is resized, in which case it is probably no longer in-situ,and 'pInSitu' is set to false. If 'pDest' is already no longer in-situ, and too small then the existing memory pointed to is freed. If 'pDest' is larger than or equal to 'pDest' then it is merely copied with no resize.</remarks>
static BOOL SetStringMember(LPTSTR* pDest,LPCTSTR szSrc,LPBOOL pInSitu)
if(!pDest || !szSrc || !pInSitu) return FALSE; //Bad argument(s), so fail.
size_t l = (*pDest) ? _tcslen(*pDest) : 0; //How long is destination?
if(l >= _tcslen(szSrc)) //Destination is large enough, so just copy.
_tcscpy(*pDest,szSrc); //Copy.
return TRUE; //Success.
else //Destination is too small.
if(*pDest && !*pInSitu) free(*pDest); //If destination is not in-situ, then free it.
*pDest = NULL; //Mark destination as NULL, forcing 'StrCatGrow' to 'malloc.
if(StrCatGrow(pDest,szSrc)) //Allocate & copy source to destination
*pInSitu = FALSE; //Mark as no longer being in-situ, so we can free it later.
return TRUE; //Success.
return FALSE; //Failure.
// <summary>Set attribute name at subscript.</summary>
// <param name="i">Subscript.</param>
// <param name="newVal">New name.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetAttributeName(UINT_PTR i,LPCTSTR newVal)
if(i < GetAttributesCount())
return SetStringMember(&_m_pRoot->attribute[i]->name,newVal,&_m_pRoot->attribute[i]->name_insitu);
return FALSE;
// <summary>Set attribute name where name is now 'szName'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name.</param>
// <param name="newVal">New name.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetAttributeName(LPCTSTR szName,LPCTSTR newVal)
INT_PTR i = MapStringToAttributeIndex(szName);
if(i > -1) return SetAttributeName((UINT_PTR)i,newVal);
return FALSE;
// <summary>Set attribute value at subscript.</summary>
// <param name="i">Subscript.</param>
// <param name="newVal">New value.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetAttributeValue(UINT_PTR i,LPCTSTR newVal)
if(i < GetAttributesCount())
return SetStringMember(&_m_pRoot->attribute[i]->value,newVal,&_m_pRoot->attribute[i]->value_insitu);
return FALSE;
// <summary>Set attribute value to 'newVal' where name is 'szName'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name of attribute to set.</param>
// <param name="newVal">New value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetAttributeValue(LPCTSTR szName,LPCTSTR newVal)
INT_PTR i = MapStringToAttributeIndex(szName);
if(i > -1) return SetAttributeValue((UINT_PTR)i,newVal);
return FALSE;
// <summary>Set attribute value to 'newVal' where name is 'szName'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name of attribute to set.</param>
// <param name="newVal">New value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetAttributeValue(LPCTSTR szName,LONG newVal)
INT_PTR i = MapStringToAttributeIndex(szName);
if(i > -1)
TCHAR szValue[32] = {0};
return SetAttributeValue((UINT_PTR)i,szValue);
else return AddAttribute(szName,newVal);
// <summary>Set attribute value to 'newVal' where name is 'szName'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name of attribute to set.</param>
// <param name="newVal">New value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetAttributeValue(LPCTSTR szName,DOUBLE newVal)
INT_PTR i = MapStringToAttributeIndex(szName);
if(i > -1)
TCHAR szValue[32] = {0};
return SetAttributeValue((UINT_PTR)i,szValue);
else return AddAttribute(szName,newVal);
// <summary>Set attribute value to 'newVal' where name is 'szName'.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name of attribute to set.</param>
// <param name="newVal">New value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetAttributeValue(LPCTSTR szName,BOOL newVal)
INT_PTR i = MapStringToAttributeIndex(szName);
if(i > -1) return SetAttributeValue((UINT_PTR)i,((newVal)?_T("true"):_T("false")));
else return AddAttribute(szName,newVal);
// <summary>Set element name.</summary>
// <param name="newVal">New element name.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetName(LPCTSTR newVal)
return SetStringMember(&_m_pRoot->name,newVal,&_m_pRoot->name_insitu);
return FALSE;
// <summary>Set branch data.</summary>
// <param name="newVal">New data (PCDATA, CDATA, or comment) value.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL SetData(LPCTSTR newVal)
return SetStringMember(&_m_pRoot->data,newVal,&_m_pRoot->data_insitu);
return FALSE;
// <summary>Remove attribute at the given subscript.</summary>
// <param name="i">Subscript.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL DeleteAttributeAt(UINT_PTR i)
UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->attributes;
if(i < n)
XMLATTR* pTemp = _m_pRoot->attribute[i];
for(UINT_PTR j=i; j<n; ++j)
_m_pRoot->attribute[j] = _m_pRoot->attribute[j+1];
_m_pRoot->attribute[n] = NULL;
if(!pTemp->name_insitu) free(pTemp->name);
if(!pTemp->value_insitu) free(pTemp->value);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// <summary>Remove attribute having the given name.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name of attribute to delete.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
BOOL DeleteAttributeAt(LPCTSTR szName)
INT_PTR i = MapStringToAttributeIndex(szName);
if(i > -1) return DeleteAttributeAt((UINT_PTR)i);
return FALSE;
// <summary>Append a new attribute to the branch list of attributes.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name.</param>
// <param name="szValue">Value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success</returns>
// <remarks>Pointer space may be grown, memory for name/value members allocated.</remarks>
BOOL AddAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,LPCTSTR szValue)
if(!szName || !szValue) return FALSE; //We must have both to proceed.
XMLATTR* p = ::AddAttribute(_m_pRoot,1); //Append/allocate a new attribute structure.
if(p) //If append/allocate succeeded.
StrCatGrow(&p->name,szName); //Append the name.
StrCatGrow(&p->value,szValue); //Append the name.
p->name_insitu = p->value_insitu = FALSE; //Mark as not part of original parse string.
return TRUE; //Success.
return FALSE; //Failure.
// <summary>Append a new attribute of type LONG to the branch list of attributes.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name.</param>
// <param name="lValue">Value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success.</returns>
// <remarks>Pointer space may be grown, memory for name/value members allocated.</remarks>
BOOL AddAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,LONG lValue)
if(!szName) return FALSE;
TCHAR szValue[32] = {0};
return AddAttribute(szName,szValue);
// <summary>Append a new attribute of type DOUBLE to the branch list of attributes.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name.</param>
// <param name="dValue">Value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success.</returns>
// <remarks>Pointer space may be grown, memory for name/value members allocated.</remarks>
BOOL AddAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,DOUBLE dValue)
if(!szName) return FALSE;
TCHAR szValue[32] = {0};
return AddAttribute(szName,szValue);
// <summary>Append a new attribute of type BOOL to the branch list of attributes.</summary>
// <param name="szName">Name.</param>
// <param name="bValue">Value thereof.</param>
// <returns>Success.</returns>
// <remarks>Pointer space may be grown, memory for name/value members allocated.</remarks>
BOOL AddAttribute(LPCTSTR szName,BOOL bValue)
if(!szName) return FALSE;
return AddAttribute(szName,((bValue)?_T("true"):_T("false")));
// <summary>Set the current branch entity type.</summary>
// <param name="eType">New type to set.</param>
// <returns>Previous type.</returns>
// <remarks>If has children and now is not ENTITY_ELEMENT, children are obscured.</remarks>
XMLENTITY eOldType = _m_pRoot->type; //Save old type.
_m_pRoot->type = eType; //Set new type.
return eOldType; //Return old type.
// <summary>Allocate & append a child branch of the given type at the end of the current branch array of children.</summary>
// <param name="eType">New child branch type.</param>
// <returns>CPugXmlBranch wrapping the new child.</returns>
// <remarks>Pointer space may be grown. An XMLBRANCH structure is allocated.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch AddChild(XMLENTITY eType)
if(IsRoot()||IsElement()) //Don't do anything if not an ENTITY_ELEMENT or root.
XMLBRANCH* p = ::GraftBranch(_m_pRoot,1,eType); //Graft the branch.
p->name_insitu = p->data_insitu = FALSE;
return CPugXmlBranch(p); //If we have it, return wrapped.
return CPugXmlBranch(); //Return dummy.
// <summary>Allocate & insert a child branch of the given type at subscript.</summary>
// <param name="i">Subscript.</param>
// <param name="eType">New child branch type.</param>
// <returns>CPugXmlBranch wrapping the new child.</returns>
// <remarks>Pointer space may be grown. An XMLBRANCH structure is allocated, and existing children are shifted in their array position.</remarks>
CPugXmlBranch InsertChildAt(UINT_PTR i,XMLENTITY eType)
if(!IsElement()) return CPugXmlBranch(); //Don't do anything if not an ENTITY_ELEMENT.
UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //Get count of existing children.
if(IsElement() && i >= n) return AddChild(eType); //If subscript at end of array then just append.
else if(IsElement() && i < n)
XMLBRANCH* p = ::GraftBranch(_m_pRoot,1,eType); //Graft the new branch (by default at last array position).
if(p) //Ensure we have it.
register INT_PTR m = (i-1); //Stop at i.
for(register INT_PTR j=(n-1); j>m; --j) //Starting at one less than end of array, reverse loop to i.
_m_pRoot->child[j+1] = _m_pRoot->child[j]; //Shift branch to right.
_m_pRoot->child[i] = p; //Set branch at subscript to new branch.
return CPugXmlBranch(p); //Return new branch.
return CPugXmlBranch(); //Return dummy.
// <summary>Delete the child branch at the given subscript.</summary>
// <param name="i">Subscript.</param>
// <returns>Success.</returns>
// <remarks>Shifts child array element positions. Frees entire tree under child to be deleted.</remarks>
BOOL DeleteChildAt(UINT_PTR i)
UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children;
if(i < n) //Ensure subscript is in bounds.
XMLBRANCH* p = _m_pRoot->child[i]; //Keep a pointer to this branch so we can free it.
for(UINT_PTR j=i; j<n; ++j) //Shift everything left from this point on.
_m_pRoot->child[j] = _m_pRoot->child[j+1];
_m_pRoot->child[j] = NULL; //Mark the last element null.
--_m_pRoot->children; //One less children.
p->parent = p; //This ensures we only free this branch when calling 'FreeTree'.
::FreeTree(p); //Free the branch tree.
return TRUE; //Success.
return FALSE; //Failure.
//Stream/Output Helpers
// <summary>Stream output. Recursively writes the given XMLBRANCH structure to the given stream. NOTE: Use this recursive implementation for debug purposes only,since a large tree may cause a stack overflow.</summary>
// <param name="rOs">Reference to output stream.</param>
// <param name="rIndent">Reference to indentation stack.</param>
// <param name="pBranch">Pointer to the branch.</param>
// <param name="bLineBreaks">Use linebreaks?</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>
// String data is written to stream. Indent stack may be altered.
// If you want to make this prettier, and to avoid propagating whitespace,
// you will have to trim excess whitespace from the PCDATA sections.
// </remarks>
static void Serialize(ostream& rOs,CPugXmlIndent& rIndent,XMLBRANCH* pBranch,BOOL bLineBreaks = TRUE)
if(pBranch) //There is a branch.
register UINT_PTR n, i;
rOs << rIndent.Depth();
rOs << _T("<!ATTLIST ") << pBranch->name;
if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T(" ") << pBranch->data;
rOs << _T(">");
rOs << _T("<!ELEMENT ") << pBranch->name;
if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T(" ") << pBranch->data;
rOs << _T(">");
rOs << _T("<!ENTITY ") << pBranch->name;
if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T(" ") << pBranch->data;
rOs << _T(">");
rOs << _T("<!NOTATION ") << pBranch->name;
if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T(" ") << pBranch->data;
rOs << _T(">");
rOs << _T("<!DOCTYPE");
n = pBranch->attributes;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
rOs << _T(" ");
rOs << pBranch->attribute[i]->name;
else if(pBranch->attribute[i]->value)
rOs << _T("\"") << pBranch->attribute[i]->value << _T("\"");
if(bLineBreaks) rOs << endl;
else rOs << _T(" ");
rOs << _T("[");
if(bLineBreaks) rOs << endl;
else rOs << _T(" ");
n = pBranch->children;
rIndent.Push(); //Push the indent stack.
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
pBranch->child[i] && //There is a child at i.
pBranch->child[i]->type == ENTITY_DTD_ATTLIST || //Skip all other types.
pBranch->child[i]->type == ENTITY_DTD_ELEMENT ||
pBranch->child[i]->type == ENTITY_DTD_ENTITY ||
pBranch->child[i]->type == ENTITY_DTD_NOTATION
rIndent.Pop(); //Pop the indent stack.
rOs << _T("]");
else if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T(" [") << pBranch->data << _T("]");
rOs << _T(">");
if(pBranch->data) rOs << pBranch->data;
if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T("<![CDATA[") << pBranch->data << _T("]]>");
if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T("<![INCLUDE[") << pBranch->data << _T("]]>");
if(pBranch->data) rOs << _T("<!--") << pBranch->data << _T("-->");
rOs << _T("<");
if(pBranch->type==ENTITY_PI) rOs << _T("?");
if(pBranch->name) rOs << pBranch->name;
else rOs << _T("anonymous");
n = pBranch->attributes;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(pBranch->attribute[i] && pBranch->attribute[i]->name)
rOs << _T(" ") << pBranch->attribute[i]->name;
if(pBranch->attribute[i]->value) rOs << _T("=\"") << pBranch->attribute[i]->value << _T("\"");
n = pBranch->children;
if(n && pBranch->type == ENTITY_ELEMENT)
rOs << _T(">");
if(n == 1 && pBranch->child[0]->type == ENTITY_PCDATA)
if(pBranch->child[0] && pBranch->child[0]->data)
rOs << pBranch->child[0]->data;
if(bLineBreaks) rOs << endl;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i) Serialize(rOs,rIndent,pBranch->child[i],bLineBreaks);
rOs << rIndent.Depth();
rOs << _T("</");
if(pBranch->name) rOs << pBranch->name;
rOs << _T(">");
if(pBranch->type==ENTITY_PI) rOs << _T("?>");
else rOs << _T("/>");
default: break;
if(bLineBreaks) rOs << endl;
// <summary>Stream output. Recursively writes the internal XMLBRANCH structure to the given stream.</summary>
// <param name="rOs">Reference to output stream.</param>
// <param name="cIndentChar">Char to use for indent.</param>
// <param name="bLineBreaks">Use linebreaks?</param>
// <returns>Nothing.</returns>
// <remarks>String data is written to stream.</remarks>
void Serialize(ostream& rOs,TCHAR cIndentChar = _T('\t'),BOOL bLineBreaks = TRUE)
if(IsNull()) return; //Make sure there is something to output.
CPugXmlIndent cIndent(cIndentChar); //Prepare the indent.
if(IsRoot()) //If this is the root, we don't want to output the root itself.
register UINT_PTR n = _m_pRoot->children; //Output each child of the root.
for(register UINT_PTR i=0; i<n; ++i)
else Serialize(rOs,cIndent,_m_pRoot,bLineBreaks); //Output the branch.
// <summary>Stream output operator. Wraps 'Serialize'. Recursively writes the given branch to the given stream.</summary>
// <param name="rOs">Reference to output stream.</param>
// <param name="rBranch">Reference to tree branch.</param>
// <returns>Reference to output stream.</returns>
// <remarks>String data is written to stream.</remarks>
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& rOs,CPugXmlBranch cBranch)
if((rOs.flags()|ostream::skipws) == ostream::skipws)
cBranch.Serialize(rOs,0,FALSE); //Skipping whitespace; suppress indents & linebreaks.
else cBranch.Serialize(rOs); //Default options.
return rOs;
// <summary>
// Provides a high-level interface to the XML parser.
// </summary>
class CPugXmlParser
//Internal Data Members
XMLBRANCH* _m_pRoot; //Pointer to current XML Document tree root.
LONG _m_lGrowSize; //Attribute & child pointer space growth increment.
BOOL _m_bAutoDelete; //Delete the tree on destruct?
LPTSTR _m_pBuff; //Pointer to in-memory buffer (for 'ParseFile').
DWORD _m_uOptions; //Parser options.
// <summary>Default constructor.</summary>
// <param name="lGrowSize">Parser pointer space growth increment.</param>
// <param name="bAutoDelete">Delete tree on destruct?</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Root branch structure is allocated.</remarks>
CPugXmlParser(DWORD dwOptions = 0,LONG lGrowSize = GROW_SIZE,BOOL bAutoDelete = TRUE):
// <summary>Direct parse constructor.</summary>
// <param name="szXmlString">XML-formatted string to parse. Note: String must persist for the life of the tree. String is zero-segmented, but not freed.</param>
// <param name="dwOpts">Parser options.</param>
// <param name="bAutoDelete">Delete tree on destruct?</param>
// <param name="lGrowSize">Parser pointer space growth increment.</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Root branch structure is allocated, string is parsed & tree may be grown.</remarks>
CPugXmlParser(LPTSTR szXmlString,DWORD dwOptions = PARSE_DEFAULT,BOOL bAutoDelete = TRUE,LONG lGrowSize = GROW_SIZE):
Parse(szXmlString,_m_uOptions); //Parse it.
// <summary>Destructor.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Tree memory and string memory may be freed.</remarks>
virtual ~CPugXmlParser()
if(_m_bAutoDelete && _m_pRoot) FreeTree(_m_pRoot);
if(_m_pBuff) free(_m_pBuff);
operator XMLBRANCH*() { return _m_pRoot; } //Cast as XMLBRANCH pointer to root.
operator CPugXmlBranch(){ return CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot); } //Cast as CPugXmlBranch (same as GetRoot).
CPugXmlBranch GetRoot() { return CPugXmlBranch(_m_pRoot); } //Returns the root wrapped by an CPugXmlBranch.
// <summary>Allocate a new, empty root.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Tree memory and string memory may be freed.</remarks>
void Create()
Clear(); //Free any allocated memory.
_m_pRoot = NewBranch(ENTITY_ROOT); //Allocate a new root.
_m_pRoot->parent = _m_pRoot; //Point to self.
// <summary>Clear any existing tree or string.</summary>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Tree memory and string memory may be freed.</remarks>
void Clear()
if(_m_pRoot){ FreeTree(_m_pRoot); _m_pRoot = 0; }
if(_m_pBuff){ free(_m_pBuff); _m_pBuff = 0; }
// <summary>Attach an externally-generated root to the parser.</summary>
// <param name="pRoot">Pointer to branch structure.</param>
// <returns>Pointer to old root if any.</returns>
// <remarks>New root may be deleted on dtor if autodelete set.</remarks>
XMLBRANCH* t = _m_pRoot; //Save this root.
_m_pRoot = pRoot; //Assign.
_m_pRoot->parent = _m_pRoot; //Ensure we are the root.
return t; //Return the old root if any.
// <summary>Detach the current root from the parser.</summary>
// <returns>Pointer to old root, if any.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
XMLBRANCH* t = _m_pRoot; //Save this root.
_m_pRoot = 0; //So we don't delete later on if autodelete set.
return t; //Return the old root if any.
// <summary>Get parser optsions mask.</summary>
// <returns>Options mask.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
DWORD GetOptions(){ return _m_uOptions; }
// <summary>Set parser options mask.</summary>
// <param name="dwOpts">Options mask to set.</param>
// <returns>Old options mask.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
DWORD SetOptions(DWORD dwOpts)
DWORD o = _m_uOptions;
_m_uOptions = dwOpts;
return o;
// <summary>Get pointer space growth size increment.</summary>
// <returns>Grow size.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
DWORD GetGrowSize(){ return _m_lGrowSize; }
// <summary>Set pointer space growth size increment.</summary>
// <param name="lGrowSize">Grow size to set.</param>
// <returns>Old size.</returns>
// <remarks></remarks>
DWORD SetGrowSize(LONG lGrowSize)
LONG o = _m_lGrowSize;
_m_lGrowSize = lGrowSize;
return o;
// <summary>Get parse file buffer last string position.</summary>
// <returns>Last string position.</returns>
// <remarks>Use after ParseFile, with PARSE_DTD_ONLY set in order to commence parse of document body.</remarks>
LPTSTR GetParseFilePos()
return _m_pBuff;
//Parsing Helpers
// <summary>Parse the given XML string in-situ.</summary>
// <param name="s">Pointer to XML-formatted string.</param>
// <param name="dwOpts">Parser options.</param>
// <returns>Last string position or null.</returns>
// <remarks>Input string is zero-segmented.</remarks>
if(!s) return s;
Clear(); //Free any allocated memory.
_m_pRoot = NewBranch(ENTITY_ROOT); //Allocate a new root.
_m_pRoot->parent = _m_pRoot; //Point to self.
if(dwOpts != PARSE_DONT_SET) _m_uOptions = dwOpts;
return Parse(s,_m_pRoot,_m_lGrowSize,_m_uOptions); //Parse the input string.
// <summary>Load into memory and parse the contents of the file at the given path.</summary>
// <param name="szPath">File path.</param>
// <param name="dwOpts">Parser options.</param>
// <returns>Success if the file was loaded.</returns>
// <remarks>The file contents is loaded and stored in the member '_m_pBuff' until freed by calling 'Parse', 'ParseFile', 'Clear' or '~CPugXmlParser'.</remarks>
if(!szPath) return FALSE;
Clear(); //Clear any existing data.
DWORD dwBytes;
if(dwOpts != PARSE_DONT_SET) _m_uOptions = dwOpts;
if(ReadFileData(szPath,&_m_pBuff,&dwBytes) && dwBytes > 0)
_m_pRoot = NewBranch(ENTITY_ROOT);
_m_pRoot->parent = _m_pRoot; //Point to self.
LPTSTR s = Parse(_m_pBuff,_m_pRoot,_m_lGrowSize,_m_uOptions);
_m_pBuff = s;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
//Static Parsing Functions
// <summary>Parser utilities.</summary>
#define IsSymbol(c) (_istalnum(c)||c==_T('_')||c==_T(':')||c==_T('-')||c==_T('.'))
#define IsSpace(c) (c>-1&&c<_T('!'))
#define IsEnter(c) (c==_T('<'))
#define IsLeave(c) (c==_T('>'))
#define IsClose(c) (c==_T('/'))
#define IsConnective(c) (c==_T('='))
#define IsSpecial(c) (c==_T('!'))
#define IsPi(c) (c==_T('?'))
#define IsDash(c) (c==_T('-'))
#define IsQuote(c) (c==_T('"')||c==_T('\''))
#define IsLeftBracket(c) (c==_T('['))
#define IsRightBracket(c) (c==_T(']'))
#define SkipWS() { while(IsSpace(*s)) ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
#define ParseOption(o) (dwOpts & o)
#define Push(t) { pCursor = GraftBranch(pCursor,lGrow,t); }
#define Pop() { pCursor = pCursor->parent; }
#define ScanUntil(x) { while(*s!=0 && !(x)) ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
#define ScanWhile(x) { while((x)) ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
#define EndSegment() { cChar = *s; *s = 0; ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
// <summary>Static single-pass in-situ parse the given xml string.</summary>
// <param name="s">Pointer to XML-formatted string.</param>
// <param name="pRoot">Pointer to root.</param>
// <param name="lGrow">Pointer space growth increment.</param>
// <param name="dwOpts">Parse options.</param>
// <returns>Last string position or null.</returns>
// <remarks>Input string is zero-segmented. Memory may have been allocated to 'pRoot' (free with 'FreeTree').</remarks>
static LPTSTR Parse(register LPTSTR s,XMLBRANCH* pRoot,LONG lGrow,DWORD dwOpts = PARSE_DEFAULT)
if(!s || !pRoot) return s;
TCHAR cChar = 0; //Current char, in cases where we must null-terminate before we test.
XMLBRANCH* pCursor = pRoot; //Tree branch cursor.
LPTSTR pMark = s; //Marked string position for temporary look-ahead.
LOC_SEARCH: //Obliviously search for next element.
ScanUntil(IsEnter(*s)); //Find the next '<'.
LOC_CLASSIFY: //What kind of element?
if(IsPi(*s)) //'<?...'
if(IsSymbol(*s) && ParseOption(PARSE_PI))
pMark = s;
ScanUntil(IsPi(*s)); //Look for terminating '?'.
if(IsPi(*s)) *s = _T('/'); //Same semantics as for '<.../>', so fudge it.
s = pMark;
Push(ENTITY_PI); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
goto LOC_ELEMENT; //Go read the element name.
else //Bad PI or PARSE_PI not set.
ScanUntil(IsLeave(*s)); //Look for '>'.
pMark = 0;
else if(IsSpecial(*s)) //'<!...'
if(IsDash(*s)) //'<!-...'
if(ParseOption(PARSE_COMMENTS) && IsDash(*s)) //'<!--...'
Push(ENTITY_COMMENT); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
pCursor->data = s; //Save the offset.
while(*s!=0 && *(s+1) && *(s+2) && !((IsDash(*s) && IsDash(*(s+1))) && IsLeave(*(s+2)))) ++s; //Scan for terminating '-->'.
if(*s==0) return s;
*s = 0; //Zero-terminate this segment at the first terminating '-'.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_TRIM_COMMENT)) //Trim whitespace.
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
s += 2; //Step over the '\0-'.
Pop(); //Pop since this is a standalone.
goto LOC_LEAVE; //Look for any following PCDATA.
while(*s!=0 && *(s+1)!=0 && *(s+2)!=0 && !((IsDash(*s) && IsDash(*(s+1))) && IsLeave(*(s+2)))) ++s; //Scan for terminating '-->'.
if(*s==0) return s;
s += 2;
goto LOC_LEAVE; //Look for any following PCDATA.
else if(IsLeftBracket(*s)) //'<![...'
if(*s==_T('I')) //'<![I...'
if(*s==_T('N')) //'<![IN...'
if(*s==_T('C')) //'<![INC...'
if(*s==_T('L')) //'<![INCL...'
if(*s==_T('U')) //'<![INCLU...'
if(*s==_T('D')) //'<![INCLUD...'
if(*s==_T('E')) //'<![INCLUDE...'
if(IsLeftBracket(*s)) //'<![INCLUDE[...'
Push(ENTITY_INCLUDE); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
pCursor->data = s; //Save the offset.
while(!(IsRightBracket(*s) && IsRightBracket(*(s+1)) && IsLeave(*(s+2)))) ++s; //Scan for terminating ']]>'.
*s = 0; //Zero-terminate this segment.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_TRIM_CDATA)) //Trim whitespace.
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
Pop(); //Pop since this is a standalone.
else //Flagged for discard, but we still have to scan for the terminator.
while(*s!=0 && *(s+1)!=0 && *(s+2)!=0 && !(IsRightBracket(*s) && IsRightBracket(*(s+1)) && IsLeave(*(s+2)))) ++s; //Scan for terminating ']]>'.
++s; //Step over the last ']'.
goto LOC_LEAVE; //Look for any following PCDATA.
else if(*s==_T('C')) //'<![C...'
if(*s==_T('D')) //'<![CD...'
if(*s==_T('A')) //'<![CDA...'
if(*s==_T('T')) //'<![CDAT...'
if(*s==_T('A')) //'<![CDATA...'
if(IsLeftBracket(*s)) //'<![CDATA[...'
Push(ENTITY_CDATA); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
pCursor->data = s; //Save the offset.
while(*s!=0 && *(s+1)!=0 && *(s+2)!=0 && !(IsRightBracket(*s) && IsRightBracket(*(s+1)) && IsLeave(*(s+2)))) ++s; //Scan for terminating ']]>'.
if(*(s+2)==0) return s; //Very badly formed.
*s = 0; //Zero-terminate this segment.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_TRIM_CDATA)) //Trim whitespace.
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
Pop(); //Pop since this is a standalone.
else //Flagged for discard, but we still have to scan for the terminator.
while(*s!=0 && *(s+1)!=0 && *(s+2)!=0 && !(IsRightBracket(*s) && IsRightBracket(*(s+1)) && IsLeave(*(s+2)))) ++s; //Scan for terminating ']]>'.
++s; //Step over the last ']'.
goto LOC_LEAVE; //Look for any following PCDATA.
continue; //Probably a corrupted CDATA section, so just eat it.
else if(*s==_T('D')) //'<!D...'
if(*s==_T('O')) //'<!DO...'
if(*s==_T('C')) //'<!DOC...'
if(*s==_T('T')) //'<!DOCT...'
if(*s==_T('Y')) //'<!DOCTY...'
if(*s==_T('P')) //'<!DOCTYP...'
if(*s==_T('E')) //'<!DOCTYPE...'
SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
XMLATTR* a = 0;
Push(ENTITY_DOCTYPE); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
a = ::AddAttribute(pCursor,3); //Store the DOCTYPE name.
a->value = a->name = s; //Save the offset.
ScanWhile(IsSymbol(*s)); //'<!DOCTYPE symbol...'
EndSegment(); //Save char in 'cChar', terminate & step over.
if(IsSpace(cChar)) SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
pMark = s;
ScanWhile(IsSymbol(*s)); //'...symbol SYSTEM...'
a = ::AddAttribute(pCursor,1);
a->value = a->name = pMark;
*s = 0;
if(IsQuote(*s)) //'...SYSTEM "..."'
cChar = *s;
pMark = s;
while(*s!=0 && *s != cChar) ++s;
a = ::AddAttribute(pCursor,1);
a->value = pMark;
*s = 0;
SkipWS(); //Eat whitespace.
if(IsQuote(*s)) goto LOC_DOCTYPE_QUOTE; //Another quoted section to store.
else if(IsSymbol(*s)) goto LOC_DOCTYPE_SYMBOL; //Not wellformed, but just parse it.
if(IsLeftBracket(*s)) //'...[...'
++s; //Step over the bracket.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_DOCTYPE)) pCursor->data = s; //Store the offset.
UINT_PTR bd = 1; //Bracket depth counter.
while(*s!=0) //Loop till we're out of all brackets.
if(IsRightBracket(*s)) --bd;
else if(IsLeftBracket(*s)) ++bd;
if(bd == 0) break;
*s = 0; //Zero-terminate.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_DTD)) Parse(pCursor->data,pCursor,lGrow,dwOpts); //Parse it.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_DTD_ONLY)) return (s+1); //Flagged to parse DTD only, so leave here.
else if(ParseOption(PARSE_TRIM_DOCTYPE)) //Trim whitespace.
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
++s; //Step over the zero.
Pop(); //Pop since this is a standalone.
//Fall-through; make sure we pop.
Pop(); //Pop since this is a standalone.
else if(IsSymbol(*s)) //An inline DTD tag.
pMark = s;
EndSegment(); //Save char in 'cChar', terminate & step over.
if(_tcscmp(pMark,_T("ATTLIST"))==0) e = ENTITY_DTD_ATTLIST;
else if(_tcscmp(pMark,_T("ELEMENT"))==0) e = ENTITY_DTD_ELEMENT;
else if(_tcscmp(pMark,_T("NOTATION"))==0) e = ENTITY_DTD_NOTATION;
Push(e); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
if(*s!=0 && IsSpace(cChar))
SkipWS(); //Eat whitespace.
if(IsSymbol(*s) || *s==_T('%'))
pMark = s;
if(*s==_T('%')) //Could be '<!ENTITY % name' -or- '<!ENTITY %name'
SkipWS(); //Eat whitespace.
*(s-1) = _T('%');
pCursor->name = (s-1);
else pCursor->name = pMark;
else pCursor->name = s;
EndSegment(); //Save char in 'cChar', terminate & step over.
SkipWS(); //Eat whitespace.
if(e == ENTITY_DTD_ENTITY) //Special case; may have multiple quoted sections w/anything inside.
pCursor->data = s; //Just store everything here.
BOOL qq = FALSE; //Quote in/out flag.
while(*s!=0) //Loop till we find the right sequence.
if(!qq && IsQuote(*s)){ cChar = *s; qq = TRUE; }
else if(qq && *s == cChar) qq = FALSE;
else if(!qq && IsLeave(*s)) //Not in quoted reqion and '>' hit.
*s = 0;
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
pCursor->data = s;
ScanUntil(IsLeave(*s)); //Just look for '>'.
*s = 0;
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
else if(IsSymbol(*s)) //'<#...'
pCursor = GraftBranch(pCursor,lGrow); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
LOC_ELEMENT: //Scan for & store element name.
pCursor->name = s;
ScanWhile(IsSymbol(*s)); //Scan for a terminator.
EndSegment(); //Save char in 'cChar', terminate & step over.
if(*s!=0 && IsClose(cChar)) //'</...'
ScanUntil(IsLeave(*s)); //Scan for '>', stepping over the tag name.
Pop(); //Pop.
else if(*s!=0 && !IsSpace(cChar))
goto LOC_PCDATA; //No attributes, so scan for PCDATA.
else if(*s!=0 && IsSpace(cChar))
SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
if(IsSymbol(*s)) //<... #...
XMLATTR* a = AddAttribute(pCursor,lGrow); //Make space for this attribute.
a->name = s; //Save the offset.
ScanWhile(IsSymbol(*s)); //Scan for a terminator.
EndSegment(); //Save char in 'cChar', terminate & step over.
if(*s!=0 && IsSpace(cChar)) SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
if(*s!=0 && (IsConnective(cChar) || IsConnective(*s))) //'<... #=...'
if(IsConnective(*s)) ++s;
SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
if(IsQuote(*s)) //'<... #="...'
cChar = *s; //Save quote char to avoid breaking on "''" -or- '""'.
++s; //Step over the quote.
a->value = s; //Save the offset.
ScanUntil(*s == cChar); //Scan for the terminating quote, or '>'.
EndSegment(); //Save char in 'cChar', terminate & step over.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_TRIM_ATTRIBUTE)) //Trim whitespace.
else StrWtrim(&a->value);
if(IsLeave(*s)){ ++s; goto LOC_PCDATA; }
else if(IsClose(*s))
SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
if(IsLeave(*s)) ++s;
if(IsSpace(*s)) //This may indicate a following attribute.
SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
goto LOC_ATTRIBUTE; //Go scan for additional attributes.
if(IsSymbol(*s)) goto LOC_ATTRIBUTE;
else if(*s!=0 && pCursor->type == ENTITY_PI)
SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
if(IsClose(*s)) ++s;
SkipWS(); //Eat any whitespace.
if(IsLeave(*s)) ++s;
if(IsLeave(*s)) //'...>'
++s; //Step over the '>'.
LOC_PCDATA: //'>...<'
pMark = s; //Save this offset while searching for a terminator.
SkipWS(); //Eat whitespace if no genuine PCDATA here.
if(IsEnter(*s)) //We hit a '<...', with only whitespace, so don't bother storing anything.
if(IsClose(*(s+1))) //'</...'
ScanUntil(IsLeave(*s)); //Scan for '>', stepping over any end-tag name.
Pop(); //Pop.
continue; //Continue scanning.
else goto LOC_SEARCH; //Expect a new element enter, so go scan for it.
s = pMark; //We hit something other than whitespace; restore the original offset.
Push(ENTITY_PCDATA); //Graft a new branch on the tree.
pCursor->data = s; //Save the offset.
ScanUntil(IsEnter(*s)); //'...<'
EndSegment(); //Save char in 'cChar', terminate & step over.
if(ParseOption(PARSE_TRIM_PCDATA)) //Trim whitespace.
else StrWtrim(&pCursor->data);
Pop(); //Pop since this is a standalone.
if(IsEnter(cChar)) //Did we hit a '<...'?
if(IsClose(*s)) //'</...'
ScanUntil(IsLeave(*s)); //'...>'
Pop(); //Pop.
else if(IsSpecial(*s)) goto LOC_CLASSIFY; //We hit a '<!...'. We must test this here if we want comments intermixed w/PCDATA.
else if(*s) goto LOC_CLASSIFY;
else return s;
//Fall-through A.
else if(IsClose(*s)) //'.../'
if(IsLeave(*s)) //'.../>'
Pop(); //Pop.
//Fall-through B.
else if(IsClose(*s)) //'.../'
ScanUntil(IsLeave(*s)); //'.../>'
Pop(); //Pop.
return s;
// <summary>Recursively free a tree.</summary>
// <param name="pRoot">Pointer to the root of the tree.</param>
// <returns></returns>
// <remarks>Not used.</remarks>
inline static void FreeTreeRecursive(XMLBRANCH* pRoot)
UINT_PTR n = pRoot->attributes;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
if(pRoot->attribute[i]->name && !pRoot->attribute[i]->name_insitu)
if(pRoot->attribute[i]->value && !pRoot->attribute[i]->value_insitu)
n = pRoot->children;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
if(pRoot->name && !pRoot->name_insitu) free(pRoot->name);
if(pRoot->data && !pRoot->data_insitu) free(pRoot->data);
// <summary>Read data from the file at 'szPath' into the buffer. Free with 'free'.</summary>
// <param name="szPath">File path.</param>
// <param name="pBuffer">Pointer to pointer to string to recieve buffer.</param>
// <param name="pSize">Pointer to count bytes read and stored in 'pBuffer'.</param>
// <param name="dwTempSize">Temporary read buffer size.</param>
// <returns>Success if file at 'szPath' was opened and bytes were read into memory.</returns>
// <remarks>Memory is allocated at '*pBuffer'. Free with 'free'.</remarks>
static BOOL ReadFileData(LPCTSTR szPath,LPTSTR* pBuffer,LPDWORD pSize,DWORD dwTempSize = 4096)
if(!szPath || !pBuffer || !pSize) return FALSE;
*pSize = 0;
*pBuffer = 0;
LPTSTR pTemp = (LPTSTR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*dwTempSize);
if(!pTemp) return FALSE;
DWORD dwRead = 0;
while(ReadFile(hFile,(LPVOID)pTemp,dwTempSize-1,&dwRead,0) && dwRead && StrCatGrow(pBuffer,pTemp))
*pSize += dwRead;
return (*pSize) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// <summary>
// An array of branches, used by CPugXmlBranch::FindAll* queries.
// </summary>
class CPugXmlBranchArray : public CPugXmlPtrArray
CPugXmlBranchArray(UINT_PTR nGrowBy = 4) : CPugXmlPtrArray(nGrowBy) { }
virtual ~CPugXmlBranchArray(){ }
CPugXmlBranch GetAt(LONG i){ return CPugXmlBranch((XMLBRANCH*)CPugXmlPtrArray::GetAt((UINT_PTR)i)); }
CPugXmlBranch operator[](LONG i){ return CPugXmlBranch((XMLBRANCH*)CPugXmlPtrArray::GetAt((UINT_PTR)i)); }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& rOs,CPugXmlBranchArray& rBranches) //Output helper.
size_t n = rBranches.GetCount();
for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) rOs << rBranches[i];
return rOs;