Have smart pointer react to exception ?
I'm trying to make a smart pointer that can invalidate
its reference in the presence of certain exceptions.
The idea is, if the reference is "stale", then I'd
refresh the reference. But I don't want to wrap every
use of the reference in a try-catch block.
See ~Temp below for the closest that I've come.
#include <iostream>
struct Something
struct Foo
// note, it may not actually reach here
// just sample code to throw a Something()
void func()
throw Something();
struct SmartPtr;
// a temporary object to live for the duration
// of the operator->
struct Temp
SmartPtr& _sp;
Foo* _p;
SmartPtr& sp,
Foo* p)
Foo* operator->()
return _p;
struct SmartPtr
Foo* _p;
Foo* p)
Temp operator->()
if (p == 0)
return Temp(*this, _p);
// If this could actually say:
// if (exception_type_is(Something))
// then that would be perfect.
if (std::uncaught_exception())
// clear it just in case its a Something
_sp._p = 0;
int main()
SmartPtr w(get_reference_to_a_Foo());
// just to make gcc happy
catch (...)
Unfortunately, ~Temp is not in the path of execution
so I can't surround it with a try-catch block. I've
tried function-try-blocks around Temp::operator->()
and ~Temp() but they obviously do nothing.
One idea is to simply put the SmartPtr's onto a linked
list if the exception is thrown, and clear everything
on that linked list when we reach the specific handler, but,
due to some other aspects of the program, I can't really
guarantee that the handler will be reached before
I want the SmartPtr cleared.
Is there any way to accomplish this ?
[ See http://www.gotw.ca/resources/clcm.htm for info about ]
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]