Re: "Concepts" were removed from C++0x

Stephen Horne <>
Thu, 23 Jul 2009 13:22:23 +0100
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:30:21 +0200, tni <> wrote:

Stephen Horne wrote:

    Also, how exactly do you alias a variable without causing a
    run-time overhead? What I tend to do is use a reference

      thing_t& shortname (longname);

    But in doing that, I'm risking a significant run-time overhead.
    Often I don't care (not an inner loop etc), and very likely the
    optimiser can eliminate that overhead anyway, but it's still a
    potential issue that IMO should never exist.

I would argue that it's the other way around. Using the reference will
give the compiler the option to generate faster code in some cases.


   std::vector<size_t> blah;
   for(size_t i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
       size_t& ref = blah[10];
       ref += std::rand();
       ref += std::rand();

That's not an alias - at least, not in the sense I'm using the word.
An alias is purely a new name - not a mechanism for precalculating a
subscripting operation, pointer dereferences, member selection or

Obviously using a reference is a good thing in your example - and yes,
I use references like that from time to time.

Similarly, I might alias a constant by declaring a new constant. That
may have a run-time impact in terms of initialising that constant and
memory used to store it - as always, depending on the optimiser. You
could argue that the constant may be a faster and more readable than
repeating a constant expression over and over, but if your constant
expression does anything more than identify an existing constant, it
isn't an alias. An alias is a new name for something that already
exists and already has a name.

  const int shortname = some_other_const_int; // an alias, sort of
  const int shortname = some_other_const_int + 1; // NOT an alias

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