Techniques to avoid minimal scope inefficiency with complex
objects in loops in C++?
I'm currently wondering whether there's some way to avoid a certain kind
of inefficiency with "clean" code, namely that declaring complex objects
with minimal scope, where the scope is a loop, will inevitably lead to
unneccessary resource re-allocation. (See example below.)
Maybe someone here has another idea in addition to the answers already
provided on SO.
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Reference: [Techniques to avoid minimal scope inefficiency with complex
objects in loops in C++?][]
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# Question First
Is there an elegant solution in C++ to prevent one from having to
declare complex object variables that are only used within a loop
outside of the loop for efficiency reasons?
# Detailed explanation
A colleague has raised an interesting point wrt. to our code policy,
which states (paraphrased): *always use minimal scope for variables and
declare the variable at the first initialization*.
Coding Guide Example:
// [A] DO THIS
void f() {
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
const double x = calculate_x(i);
set_squares(i, x*x);
// [B] DON'T do this:
void f() {
int i;
int n;
double x;
for (i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
x = calculate_x(i);
set_squares(i, x*x);
This is all nice and well, and there's certainly nothing wrong with
this, until you move from primitive types to objects. (for a *certain
kind of interface*)
// [C]
void fs() {
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
string s;
get_text(i, s); // void get_text(int, string&);
set_lower_text(i, s);
Here, the string s will be destructed, it's memory released every loop
cycle and then every cycle the `get_text` function will have to newly
allocate the memory for the s buffer.
It would be clearly more efficient to write:
// [D]
string s;
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
get_text(i, s); // void get_text(int, string&);
set_lower_text(i, s);
as now the allocated memory in the s buffer will be preserved between
loop runs and it is very likely that we'll save on allocations.
*Disclaimer:* **Please note:** Since this is loops and we're talking
memory allocations, I do **not** consider it **premature optimization**
to think about this problem generally. Certainly there are cases and
loops where the overhead wouldn't matter; but `n` has the nagging
tendency to be larger that the Dev initially expects and the code has
the nagging tendency to be run in contexts where performance *does* matter.
Anyway, so now the more efficient way for the "general" loop construct
is to violate code locality and declare complex objects out of place,
"just in case". This makes me rather uneasy.
Note that I consider writing it like this:
// [E]
void fs() {
string s;
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
get_text(i, s); // void get_text(int, string&);
set_lower_text(i, s);
is *no* solution as readability suffers even more!
**Thinking further**, the interface of the `get_text` function is
non-idiomatic anyway, as out params are *so* yesterday anyway and a
"good" interface would return by value:
// [F]
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
string s = get_text(i); // string get_text(int);
set_lower_text(i, s);
Here, we do *not pay double* for memory allocation, because it is
extremely likely that `s` will be constructed via RVO from the return
value, so for [F] we *pay the same* in allocation overhead as in [C].
*Unlike* the [C] case however, we can't optimize this interface variant.
So the **bottom line** seems to be that using minimal scope (can) hurt
performance and using clean interfaces -- I at least consider return by
value a lot cleaner than that out-ref-param stuff -- will prevent
optimization opportunities, at least in the general case.
The **problem** isn't so much that one would have to forgo clean code
for efficiency sometimes, the problem is that as soon as Devs start to
find such special cases, the whole Coding Guide (see [A], [B]) looses
The **question** now would be: see first paragraph
+ + + +
Good C++ code is better than good C code, but
bad C++ can be much, much worse than bad C code.
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