Re: Lifetime of a temporary passed in operator[](const std::string& k)

Victor Bazarov <v.bazarov@comcast.invalid>
Tue, 11 Jun 2013 09:05:04 -0400
On 6/10/2013 11:13 PM, Daniel wrote:

Is this code safe?

class A
     class Proxy
    friend class A;

         operator A&()
             return val_.get(k_);

         operator const A&() const
             return val_.get(k_);
        Proxy& operator = (const Proxy& other) {/* do nothing */}
        Proxy(const Proxy& proxy)
            : val_(proxy.val_), k_(proxy.k_)
        Proxy(A& val, const std::string& k)
            : val_(val), k_(k)

        A& val_;
        const std::string& k_;

    A& get(const std::string& k)
        // In real code, looks up another A instance using k
        return *this;

    const A& get(const std::string& k) const
        // In real code, looks up another A instance using k
        return *this;

     Proxy operator[](const std::string& k)
         return Proxy(*this,k);

     A a;
     A b = a["key"];

Do I have to worry about the lifetime of the temporary k_ held in Proxy?

Unless somehow (and you don't show all the use of A::Proxy an object A
can have) the object 'b' retains the reference to the string, there is
no need to worry. The temporary string created to be passed as the
argument to the operator[] has the lifetime until the end of the object
'b' initialization.

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