Re: The use of const reference instear of getter

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Mon, 04 Aug 2008 11:46:22 GMT
On 2008-08-04 13:31, Turin wrote:

Dear all;

As far as I understand the idea behind getter methods, it is used to
make sure that private memers of a class is returned appropriately to
the calling object.

However, if all I am interested in when making a member private is to
disallow the modification of the value of that member (read-only
member), then how about doing the following:

class A {
  public :
    const int& ref_to_priv_member;
    A() : ref_to_priv_member(priv_member) {
      /* Blah */

  private :
    int private_member;

I would like to know the opinion of C++ experts on this and if there
are any side-effects of this.
Also from the perferformance point of view, isn't using this mor
effecient than using a getter?

Any good compiler will probably reduce a getter function to the same
thing, with the exception that you can, if you want, easily make changes
to the getter function (such as changing the returned value is certain

Erik Wikstr??m

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