Re: rvalue reference questions

David Abrahams <>
Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:11:59 CST
on Wed Dec 10 2008, wrote:

I'm reading about rvalue references, and not really "getting" them.
Something that would aid my understanding greatly would be to learn
about how rvalue references would be converted to a lower level, like C

So, are the following statements correct regarding rvalue references:

The compiler will convert the following code:

 double && x = sqrt(123);
 cout << x << endl;


 cout << sqrt(123) << endl;

In other words, 'x' is used as a placeholder for the actual function
sqrt call.

No, not quite. In

    cout << sqrt(123) << endl;

the expression "sqrt(123)," if it returns by-value, yields an rvalue.

    cout << x << endl;

you are dealing with a named entity, 'x'. Named entities are always
lvalues (that's right: even if they're rvalue references).

It's actually possible for C++ code today to distinguish non-const
rvalues from lvalues. For example,

        struct catchall
            template <class T>
            catchall(T const&);

        template <class T>
        int f(T&); // called for lvalues and const rvalues

        char* f(catchall); // called for non-const rvalues




would have different results.

Given the function:

void PrintIfGtZero(double && x)
   if(x > 0) cout << x << endl;

The compiler will convert the code to:

  if(sqrt(123))cout << sqrt(123) << endl;


Does this mean that sqrt(123) is called twice?

and no. Don't think of rvalue references in terms of code conversion;
it will just get you into trouble. Think of them as regular C++
references with different binding rules and a quirky type-deduction
feature that allows perfect forwarding.

Is is possible that an rvalue reference argument might not be called?

I think if you've understood me up to now, you won't need that question
answered, but just to be clear: arguments are never "called," except in
cases like this one:

       int f(int(*g)())
           return g();
           // here-^^


Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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