Re: Reference Type

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:17:42 +0100
* Andrey Tarasevich:

Andrey Tarasevich wrote:

baibaichen wrote:

I test the following codes in VC++ and GCC
    const std::string& str = "";
    std::cout << typeid(str).name() << std::endl;
    std::cout << typeid(const std::string&).name()<< std::endl;
    std::cout << typeid(const std::string).name()<< std::endl;

Both think str, const std::string& and const std::string are the same

Aren't str and const std::string& reference type?

'const std::string&' is a reference type. As for 'str', it gets more
complicated. 'str' _itself_ is a reference, no argument about it.
However, 'str' as an C++ _expression_ has type 'const std::string'. No
reference in it.

The point his that 'typeid' in C++ works with the type of the
_expression_ supplied as an argument. Now, in C++ expressions never
really have reference type, in a sense that whenever you have an
expression that is supposed to evaluate to a value of type 'T&', the
resultant type is immediately adjusted to 'T' (as an lvalue, see 5/6).
I.e. when it comes to expression results, reference type is very
short-lived, it decays from 'T&' to 'T' so quickly, that you never
really get a chance to see that 'T&'. That is exactly what happens in
your code.

Additionally, 'typeid' can accept a type specifier as an argument, in
which case the language specification explicitly requires that the
result for type 'T&' is the same as for type 'T'.

 From a philosophical point of view one might say that C++ references are like
quantum wavefunctions.

Logic dictates that they're there, and it's no big deal to create one, or copy one.

However, try to get hold of one in the "raw" state and it's a slippery beast indeed.

- Alf (philosophical, liked your explanation)

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