Re: The best way to retrieve a returned value... by const reference?

Maxim Yegorushkin <>
Thu, 28 May 2009 05:37:34 -0700 (PDT)
On May 27, 8:19 pm, SG <> wrote:

On 27 Mai, 18:37, Niels Dekker wrote:

Suppose you're calling a function that returns an object "by value".
When const access to the returned value is sufficient, you have the
choice between binding the returned object to a const-reference, and
copying the object to a local (const) variable, using

  class Foo { /* ... */ };
  Foo GetFoo(void);

  const Foo& constReference = GetFoo(); // Choice #1
  const Foo constValue = GetFoo(); // Choice #2

Personally, I have the habbit to bind such an object to a
const-reference (choice #1). Thereby I hope to avoid an expensive
copy-construction, which /might/ take place when you use
copy-initialization (choice #2). Is it a common practice to do so?

Common practice? I don't think so. In practise, there's only one
advantage of #1 over #2: The function can return some derived type
that you don't like to spell out which would be subject to slicing in

I can't speak for Microsoft's compiler but GCC elides the copy in #2
regardless of the optimization settings. It's a matter of the ABI and
how return-by-value is implemented. (GCC passes the address of the
future "constValue" to GetFoo and inside GetFoo the object is directly
constructed at the given address -- assuming (N)RVO is applicable).

True, it's an ABI issue. Sun Studio 12, for example, uses a trick
similar to that of gcc.


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