Re: Dereferencing pointer as argument to function taking reference
On 2013-10-30 01:50, Robert Simpson wrote:
Hi all,
My question is, if I have a function taking an argument by reference,
is it bad practice to call that function with a dereferenced pointer?
void myfunc( Widget& w );
std::unique_ptr< Widget > mywidget;
myfunc( *mywidget.get() );
Since this is pseudo-code I need to ask whether this snippet is
intending to demonstrate dereferencing a null pointer and that this
expression is evaluated in the corresponding program? As presented the
answer is "yes" and the following is based on this assumption.
I have written this in my code, but I believe that there is probably
a better solution.
The current specification of C++ does not support any attempt to bind a
dereferenced null pointer to a reference, so the behaviour of that code
is undefined. This is somehow related to an existing core language issue,
but even if the currently suggested wording would be accepted as
written, this would still not allow reference-binding to a null
reference (or "empty lvalue", as denoted in the wording).
HTH & Greetings from Bremen,
Daniel Kr?gler
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