Re: std::vector and object copying

Tue, 09 May 2006 08:14:03 GMT
bb posted:


std::vector<MyClass> v1;

The above results in a single call to the 'copy constructor' of MyClass
when I use gcc. However, the same code results in 2 calls to the 'copy
constructor' when I use Visual C++ (VStudio 2005).

There's an optimization going on there. You can see where the second one is
coming from though:

std::vector<MyClass> v1;

MyClass object("abc");

v1.push_back(object); /* <- Results in copy-construction */

Here's some sample code that can create anywhere from 1 to 3 objects (or
maybe even 4?). First though, here's a handy class for testing:

class AnyClass {
    static unsigned times_constructor_called;
    static unsigned times_copy_constructor_called;
    static unsigned times_destructor_called;
    static unsigned times_assignment_performed;

    AnyClass( const AnyClass & )

    AnyClass& operator=( const AnyClass & )

        return *this;


unsigned AnyClass::times_constructor_called = 0;
unsigned AnyClass::times_copy_constructor_called = 0;
unsigned AnyClass::times_destructor_called = 0;
unsigned AnyClass::times_assignment_performed = 0;

Now here's some code to try it out on:

AnyClass FuncReturnByValue()
    AnyClass local_object;

    return local_object;

int main()
    AnyClass any_class = FuncReturnByValue();


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