Re: C++ STL container of containers

"pancham" <>
9 Jun 2006 05:02:48 -0400
<> wrote:

Is it legal to have an STL container containing another STL container?

More specifically, I'd like to have a map where each pair consists of a
unique string
key and a vector of unsigned ints.

If so, are their any good examples online. I've looked at lots of
sites and books
and all the examples have been of containers using primitive data

Yes it is cent percent legal to have stl container of another stl
container. Your map would look something below:

int main()
        typedef unsigned int UInt;
        typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<UInt> > MyMap;

        std::vector<UInt> v;

        MyMap m;
        m["Hello"] = v;

       return 0;

NOTE: Everytime you assign something to the map copy of the string and
vector would be made. So if ur vectors contain large numbers of
elements then you might want to consider storing pointer to the vector
or even better shared pointer.


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