Re: How to pass the field name of a struct as a parameter?

"Jellicle" <>
29 Jun 2006 20:12:45 -0700
mlimber =E5=86=99=E9=81=93=EF=BC=9A

Jellicle wrote:

mlimber =E5=86=99=E9=81=93=EF=BC=9A

Markus Schoder wrote:

Jellicle wrote:

But I cannot compile the codes successfully in Visual C++ 6.0.

You probably need a newer compiler.

Try this (I didn't test it, but it compiles :-) ). I think it should
work with VC++ 6, and it works with keys of different types and
different names:

 #include <vector>
 #include <cassert>

 using namespace std;

 template<class Iterator, typename key_type, typename T>
 Iterator minfield(
   Iterator start,
   const Iterator &end,
   key_type T::*p)
   key_type acc = (*start).*p;
   Iterator min_i(start);
   while(start != end)
     const key_type &r = (*start).*p;
     if(r < acc)
       acc = r;
       min_i = start;
   return min_i;

 struct S1
   typedef int key_type;
   key_type key1;
   S1( key_type key ) : key1(key) {}

 struct S2
   typedef double key_type;
   key_type key2;
   S2( key_type key ) : key2(key) {}

 int main()
   std::vector<S1> v1;
   v1.push_back( S1(1) );
   v1.push_back( S1(5) );
   v1.push_back( S1(-10) );
   v1.push_back( S1(3) );

   vector<S1>::const_iterator m1 = minfield(
     v1.begin(), v1.end(), &S1::key1 );
   assert( m1->key1 == -10 );

   std::vector<S2> v2;
   v2.push_back( S2(1.1) );
   v2.push_back( S2(5.1) );
   v2.push_back( S2(-1.1) );
   v2.push_back( S2(3.1) );

   vector<S2>::const_iterator m2 = minfield(
     v2.begin(), v2.end(), &S2::key2 );
   assert( m2->key2 == -1.1 );

   return 0;

Cheers! --M

Thank you, mlimber. I am really grateful for you kind help!

Yes, it works well in VC6 :)

However, my question is that the structs were defined by other people,
and were used
somewhere else. So I cannot redefine them.

There should be no need to alter the structs (I had initially added the
key_type to them but realized I didn't need to). If the structs looked
like this, it would work the same:

 struct S1
   int key1;
   // ... whatever else

 struct S2
   double key2;
   // ... whatever else

Yes! It works! Thank you:)

And do you think that at least I can save a little time/space if I use
a macro as this :-)

// for vector of struct
#define MINFIELD(vs,f) (minfield(vs.begin(), vs.end(), &f) -

// for array of struct
#define MINFIELD2(as,size,f) (minfield(as, as+size, &f) - as)

I have test these as follows

#define MINFIELD(vs,f) (minfield(vs.begin(), vs.end(), &f) -
#define MINFIELD2(as,size,f) (minfield(as, as+size, &f) - as)


    score_t scores[3]={100,93, 71, 70,59,83, 77,99,88};

    int d2 = MINFIELD2(scores, 3, score_t::mathematics);
    int d3 = MINFIELD2(scores, 3, score_t::mathematics) * 6;
    int d4 = 8 * MINFIELD2(scores, 3, score_t::mathematics);

    std::vector<goods_t> gg;
    goods_t g;

    g.price = 122.1; g.amount=100;

    g.price = 322.2; g.amount=120;

    g.price = 1012.4; g.amount=12;

    g.price = 102.3; g.amount=110;

    int i5 = MINFIELD(gg, goods_t::price);
    int i6= 5*MINFIELD(gg, goods_t::price);
    int i7 = MINFIELD(gg, goods_t::price) * 6;

    return 0;

Cheers! --M

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